How much cardio? How many reps? What can I eat? Your questions answered every week as we attempt to get FIT AS!
#20 Writing a diet
30/08/2019 Duration: 19minThis week, Chris tackles the numbers and what they mean when you start to create a diet. He asks some pertinent questions of Neale to shape a diet to trim some pounds and power him while he's training.
#19 Treat your fitness life, like your financial life
24/08/2019 Duration: 18minFrom some meet ups with clients of late, Chris has formed an idea; dealing with the highs and lows of your financial life can be akin to the way you deal with your fitness. Confused, listen on, it'll all make sense.
#18 Weight loss is NOT a goal
26/07/2019 Duration: 26minThis week Chris suggests that if you're training simply for the weight loss, then it's simply part of the journey, but most probably not the actual goal. There's also some closure on the subject last week where we talked about training for your goals, and not that of your partners. Your questions are answered too each week if you email in. This week's guest question is all about how to tackle leg day training with bad knees.
#17 Training for your goal, not your partner's goal
19/07/2019 Duration: 24minSo here's a particularly spiky subject for co-host Chris Griffiths. What happens when you're happy with the plan and financial agreement you've put in place for a superb programme to achieve your fitness goals and your partner slams the brakes on the idea? That's what today's show is all about.
#16 Smashing Colitis even as a bodybuilder - special edition
17/07/2019 Duration: 55minA special edition featuring fitness coach Phil Agostino, invited on to the show to talk about the disease Colitis. Determined not to let the disease prevent any of his health and fitness goals, Phil talks very candidly about his journey battling and defeating the debilitating symptoms of Colitis and how it has affected his training business. Featuring explicit and candid discussion.
#15 Obsessive observation
17/07/2019 Duration: 32minThis week, Chris reveals something about himself that you may or may not be surprised to learn; he is obsessively observant about his body. In context we're talking about the body M.O.T.s that he is prepared to regularly attend and what his blood work says to him. But is he obsessive? Perhaps not, as today's show discusses.
#14 Slowly to success or very quickly to failure
17/07/2019 Duration: 28minIt's a week about goal setting, although goal setting with lasting intention. Who ultimately wins the hare and tortoise story when it comes to fitness?
#13 Being HANGRY! Is it even a real thing?
20/06/2019 Duration: 22minLast time we asked how you can have your cake and eat it, then eat some more, even if you're on a diet plan! Today we delve a little more into that subject, as we ask; do you get hangry? And if you do, we may just have some suggestions. As always on Fit As, we welcome your questions too and at the end of each cast, there's always a listener question to deal with.
#12 How to have your cake and eat it, then eat some more!
20/06/2019 Duration: 22minYou have to be joking right? You're allowed to eat cake on an exercise or gym diet plan? And beer? And a cheeky Chinese takeaway? Well how much? When? And all at the same time? Possibly? There are a lot of questions answered about this in episode 12 of Fit As. Of course there's a weekly question from you too. All part of the protein served up in this week's edition of Fit As.
#11 Personal training is FAR too expensive. Is it?
31/05/2019 Duration: 33minIt's difficult to attach a value to something so intrinsic to your health and well being. How much should personal training cost? Is it too expensive? Is the quality of training good enough for you? BIG subject this week and as you can imagine, our PT expert Chris Griffiths has something to say about it.
#10 Burning fat and KEEPING IT OFF!
22/05/2019 Duration: 22minOn this week's episode Chris addresses the question; what does it take to burn fat but actually keep it off. Each week we tackle one subject and one question, so make sure you send your questions in to
#9 Anabolics - how steroids affect your life and training
10/05/2019 Duration: 31minWe've been meaning to cover this one for a few weeks now and it's undoubtedly a subject we'll return to after hear this edition! We scratch the surface this week to introduce the subject of anabolics. What they are, how they affect you and what they do within your training regime.
#8 Your body is your only possession - LOOK AFTER IT!
19/04/2019 Duration: 45minOh we see Chris on a roll with this one. Following a consultation with a gent who'd been advised by his cardiologist to lose some weight or face the consequences, Chris is flabbergasted that the choice the gent takes is to take road of less resistance and stay as is. If your body is not a temple, it is at least your only possession, this week we talk about why some people don't look after it.
#7 How quickly can I lose 2 stones?
12/04/2019 Duration: 33minSimple main topic today; losing weight quickly. Is it safe, is it clever, is it possible? What attitude do you need to take on to do it too? Chris answers this question and more of your general ones too. Email your questions to the show: See our site:
#6 SPECIAL Fighting cancer with diet
05/04/2019 Duration: 32minIt's a special feature length episode this week. In the first half, more of your fitness questions. Then we visit Ian and his nutritionist wife Debi-Ann Wrigglesworth in Birmingham, to learn how Ian changed his diet and nutrition to fight a stage three brain tumour. Seven years later, he is still here to tell his tale. If you'd like further information about Ian's lifestyle and diet changes, Debi-Ann can be contacted through her practise:
#5 The Rise of Bull$%1t - do fads work?
29/03/2019 Duration: 23minWith so many miracle diets and workout routines, who is actually receiving the benefit? Do any of these get fit fast fads really work? A dose of reality and your fitness questions answered.
#4 Freeweights versus Machines
21/03/2019 Duration: 31minYour questions about health, fitness and being gym smart. This week Chris answers that question; should I be in the free weights room, or work with machines?
#3 Cardio versus Weights
08/03/2019 Duration: 36minThat age old question it seems. I'm budgeted on my time in the gym, should I plan for my session to be cardio, or should I go sling some weights? Is there a correct ratio? Is there a correct order or frequency? All these questions answered today.
Goal Setting in the Gym
01/03/2019 Duration: 21minWhat do you want to achieve when you first join a gym, is it strength, is body shape, better tone, increased cardio fitness, the start of the journey to competition? The reasons are varied but so many people fail to meet the goal set. This and more of your questions in this week's Fit As.
The gym tourist
21/02/2019 Duration: 27minWhy do folk jump gym so often? What's to be achieved? Today's show is about the gym tourist. Send questions to the show: