We are a podcast About Board games, Card games, & any other form of tabletop gaming!Join Roy, Matt, And Robert On our amazing podcasting adventure with tons of table top gaming!each week will will tackle another gaming topic and talk about game we are currently streaming and playing! we stream the podcast live on Tuesdays at 9pm ESTand we play live board games on fridays 6-10pm us out on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight
Ep 169 CMON with Sean Jacquemain
29/08/2018 Duration: 01h30minEp. 169: Cmon with Sean Jacquemain Tell us a little bit about yourself And how you got in to gaming? Topic: Cmon Tell us a little bit about what all you do at Cmon? New games coming from Cmon! Starcadia quest! Victorian Masterminds! Gizmos Wacky Races Munchkin Dungeon Project Elite Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Trudvang What is Cmon doing to support tournaments and organize play with their miniatures and lifestyle games? Cmon has some of the biggest kickstarters in the industry how do they decide which games go on kickstarter and when games go straight to distribution? What would you say Cmon’s Philosophy is about publishing games? Cmon has some of the Best production quality in the industry how important would you say visual appeal and quality components is in a board game? Cmon has definitely grown to be one of the biggest publishers in the industry! What’s different about working with such a big publisher? Is there anything more new or upcoming we should keep our eyes on from Cmon? Newton Rail
Ep 168 This game is Dead Last! With Matthew Jude
22/08/2018 Duration: 01h33minEp. 168: This game is Dead Last! With Matthew Jude What we have been playing! (Matthew) Tabletop Sim (7 Wonders Duel) Topic: Stuff Tell us about your podcast This Game Is Broken! What is it like being part of a board game show that’s more about entertainment and Comedy than information? You guys have had some awesome live shows how was that? How did you start up with the dice Tower and Dead Last? So you’ve been recently hitting up the convention circuit how has your experience been traveling to different conventions in the US and UK? What do you think sets each convention apart? If you had to pick one convention as your favorite which would it be? At Dice tower con and we got you to play a miniatures game and then at Gen Con I talked to you about D&D for almost a hour! How is Epic Gaming Night corrupting your gaming tastes!? Lol Are there other gaming genres that you wish you knew more about? Your co-hosts do lots of live game plays on YouTube and twitch. What are your thoughts on streaming games? Do
Episode 167 Atomic Empire with Jennifer Bedell!
16/08/2018 Duration: 01h05minRoy & Rob talk to JJ the owner of a game store in Durham NC! Atomic Empire!
ep. 166: the best 4 days in gaming!
09/08/2018 Duration: 01h40minEp. 166: the best 4 days in gaming! News: Game of Thrones: Mother of Dragons Keyforge Arkham horror 3rd Edition Christian Peterson stepping down Guardians Gen7 Dark tower What we have been playing! (Roy) So many games (Rob) Hand & Foot, Painting Minis (Matt) Nothing Topic: Gencon previews Games we talked about: X-Wing A Song of Ice and Fire Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons! Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram If you want to support epic gaming night check out our Patreon at Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! We stream the show normally on Tuesday nights at 9 PM Eastern time at Follow, like ,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook Also make sure to check out Favorite game Friday on the Dice Tower!
Ep 165 Gencon preview!
25/07/2018 Duration: 01h29minNews: Comanauts Project Elite Roy joins Kid Loves Tiger Games What we have been playing! (Roy) A Song of Ice and Fire (Rob) A Song of Ice and Fire (Matt) Nothing Topic: Gencon previews Games we talked about: Brass Too Many Bones Scythe: Rise of Fenris Forbidden Sky Root Detective Century: Eastern Wonders Reef Gizmos Founders of Gloomhaven Rise of Tribes Nyctophobia Ultimate Werewolf Legacy Terraforming Mars: Prelude Adrenaline: Team Play Expansion Tiny Epic Zombies Funky Chicken BattleStar Galactica: Starship Battles Villainous Dude Tower of Madness One Week Ultimate Werewolf Megaland Smiths of Winterforge Guardians Goodcritters Neon Gods Startropolis Thanks so much to all of our Episode 165 Gencon preview!amazing patrons! Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram If you want to support epic gaming night check out our Patreon at Thank you so much to our amazing
Ep 164 Dice Tower Con Stories!!
19/07/2018 Duration: 01h38minEp. 164: Dice Tower Con Stories!! News Trogdor board game! Eclipse Death may die Overturn Plagiarism Topic: Dice Tower Con Scavenger hunt! What did we play at dice tower con? Strike TI4 POG’s Isle of Skye 9 player Game of Thrones Blood Rage Starship Samurai Specter Ops: Broken Covenant Rising 5 Heroes of Land, Air, and Sea Deception The Mind Pioneer Days Tiefe Taschen Wits & Wagers Crazy stories? Why do you like Dice Tower Con? What was your favorite part? Games we talked about: Dragon Castle Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons! Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram If you want to support epic gaming night check out our
Ep 163 Samurai Starships and Guardians with Isaac and Callin
17/07/2018 Duration: 01h19minEp. 163: Samurai Starships and Guardians with Isaac and Callin Topic: Plaid Hat Games Tell us a little bit about samurai starships! What are some of the mechanics of the game? Tell us a little bit about the setting and the theme behind the game? What would you say was your biggest influence designing the game? What was the most difficult thing about designing samurai starships! What anime would you love to design a game around? Callin tell us all about guardians! Tell us about the mechanics of guardians! Like most Plaid Hat Games is there a rich theme and story to the background of the game? What was it like being a first-time game designer? What were some of your biggest influences designing the game? Is this a standalone game or should we expect to see more? Specter Ops: Broken Covenant is out! Is there anything else you want to talk about from Plaid Hat Games? Ashes Expansions soon Clans Clans decks (Feather, Leaf, Shadow, Fang, Light, Fire) July is going to be crazy for announcements Issac got an exc
Ep 162 Up & Down Time
02/07/2018 Duration: 01h20minEp. 162: Up/down time! News: Epic Gaming Night Pogs!! Dice tower con scavenger hunt and prizes! What we have been playing!? (Roy) 7 Wonders, Wiz-War, Ethnos (Rob) Thanos Rising, Ethnos (Matt) Nothing Topic: Down time Describe the concept of up and down time in a board game. How do you feel about down time in games? Does length of the game have anything to do with the amount of downtime? What are some Games with a lot of downtime? Xia Forbidden Stars Can some games be prone to analysis paralysis and lead to down time? What are some ways designers & developers can minimize downtime? What are some mechanics that help minimize downtime? What are some games that keep players constantly engaged? Century Ethnos Fief Have you ever been surprised by how long you been playing a game because you were engaged the whole time? Do you have any tips for listeners on how to deal
Ep 160 Q&A
21/06/2018 Duration: 01h03minRoy and Rob talk what they have been playing and do a Q&A and talk about all the games!
Ep 159 Upcoming!
13/06/2018 Duration: 01h32minRoy and Rob talk about upcoming games and what they have been playing!
Ep 157 board game popularity
07/06/2018 Duration: 01h16minRoy and Rob talk about board games that are popular and maybe why some games don't get the hype.
Ep 157 Heroes of Land, Air & Sea: Pestilence With Gamelyn Games!
30/05/2018 Duration: 01h10minRoy & Rob talk to Michael and Scott about Heroes of Land, Air & Sea: Pestilence Expansion Check it out now on kickstarter!
Ep 156 Making the Cut!
24/05/2018 Duration: 01h17minNews: Five minute dungeon curses! Foiled Again! Heroes contest winner David Ginsburg! Heroes Pestilence expansion announced Gamelyn on the podcast next week! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Heroes of Land, Air, and Sea, Unlock!, Clank!, Thanos Rising (Rob) Video games with the family (Matt) Crossfire, Telestrations Topic: Making the Cut! Do you ever Cull games out of your Collection? What goes into the decision of getting rid of a game? How would you normally get rid of a game that you no longer wanted in your collection? With so many games coming out is it harder for a game to have staying power? Is there a genre of game that you feel like you don’t need any more of or you’re tired of seeing? What does it take for games to get you excited and want to add it to your collection? Is there a game you can never see getting rid of? Is there a game you’ve got rid of that you wish you still had? How many games would you say you have in your collection? Do you have a limit to how big you want your collec
Ep 155 The Epic Gaming Bracket!
17/05/2018 Duration: 01h27minEp. 155: The Epic Gaming Bracket! News Loot & Shoot! Death May Die What we have been playing!? (Roy) Gizmos, Thanos Rising, Dragon Castle (Rob) Nothing (Matt) Nothing Topic: Board Game Bracket! Announce our contestants! Zombicide Century: Spice Road Heroes of Land, Air, and Sea Marvel Legendary Junk Art Deception Spector Ops Blood Rage Rhino Hero Terraforming Mars Mansions of Madness Tales of Arabian Nights Xia TI4 Dead of Winter Champions of Midgard Chat who do you think will come out victorious? Heroes of Land, Air, & Sea Giveaway!! Only a couple of days left!! Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Keith McRell Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram If you want to support epic gaming night check out our Patreon at Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! We stream the show normally on Tuesday
Ep 154 Choosing games!
03/05/2018 Duration: 01h38minEpisode 154 Choosing games! News: X Wing 2nd Edition Cmon Expo What we have been playing!? (Roy) Marvel Legendary: Infinity Wars (variant), Coup (Rob) Clank! (Matt) DnD Topic: Choosing games! How do you choose what games to play in different situations? What game would you pick to play: At a party? (Roy) Rhino Hero, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Spyfall, Cash n Guns (Rob) Happy Salmon, Wits & Wagers, Strike, Telestrations (Matt) Junk Art, Flip Ships, Deception, Monikers, Dixit With family? (Roy) Century: Spice Road, Codenames (Rob) Same from previous category (Matt) Sagrada, Dixit At a gaming con? (Roy) Chaos in the Old World, Dune, Battlestar Galactica, Heroes of Land, Air, and Sea (Rob) Champions of Midgard, Dead of Winter, Game of Thrones, Fief (Matt) With kids? (Roy) Haba games, Kids of Carcassone, Stuffed Fables, Outfoxed (Rob) Haba games, Mice and Mystics, Lion Guard Protect the Pridelands (Matt) Blood Rage, Doodle Quest, Pitch Car During a game day? (Roy) TI4, Mansions of Ma
The Epic Tales of Misplaced Meeples
01/05/2018 Duration: 03h02minSponsored by Dog Might Kickstarter! Check out our podcast! Twitter @ EpicGamingNight Help support Epic Gaming Night! htpps://
Ep 153 Marvel Madness!
26/04/2018 Duration: 01h36minEp. 153: Marvel Madness! News: Tabletop day Dogmight’s new kickstarter New crystal clans! Shadow, Fang, Leaf and Feather Clans What we have been playing!? (Roy) Shards of Infinity, City of Kings (Rob) Ta-Da!, Wits and Wagers, Sheriff of Nottingham (Matt) Dinosaur Island Topic: Marvel Madness! What are some marvel themed board games? Marvel Legendary X-Men Revolution Heroclix Codenames: Marvel Marvel Heroscape What is your favorite marvel character? (Roy) Wolverine (Rob) Omega Red, Juggernaut (Matt) Punisher/ Moon Knight Which of the MCU movies is your favorite? (Roy) Guardians of the Galaxy (Rob) Thor Ragnarok (Matt) Thor Ragnarok If you could make a marvel themed board game what would it be? Theme & mechanics? It seems like there are tons of marvel games coming down the pipeline that were announced recently. Which ones are you most interested in? Is there a marvel game that you wish you could play that you haven’t yet? Overpower Infinity wars hype! Thanks so much to all of our
Ep 152 Top 10 Cooperative games!
19/04/2018 Duration: 02h05minEp. 152: Top 10 Cooperative games! News: Zombicide Invader Mansions of Madness video game Crystal on Dicetower tonight? What we have been playing!! (Roy) Fiasco (Rob) ... (Matt) Lords of Hellas Topic: Top 10 Co-ops! Roy Honorable mentions: Stuffed Fables Exit Unlock 10. Mechs vs Minions 9. 5 Minute Dungeon 8. 7th Continent 7. Eldritch Horror 6. Shadows Over Camelot 5. T.I.M.E Stories 4. Battlestar Galactica 3. Legendary 2. Arkham Horror LCG 1. Mansions of Madness Rob Honorable mentions: The Grizzled Betrayal Flipships 10. Pandemic Series 9. Mechs vs Minions 8. 5 Minute Dungeon 7. Stuffed Fables 6. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle 5. Battlestar Galactica 4. Dead of Winter 3. T.I.M.E Stories 2. Zombicide Series 1. Mansions of Madness Matt Honorable mentions: Zombicide Mansions of Madness 5 Minute Dungeon Mechs vs Minions 10. Xenoshyft 9. Flipships 8. X-COM 7. Unlock 6. Legendary 5. Battlestar Galactica 4. T.I.M.E Stories 3. Betrayal at House on the Hill 2. Pandemic Legacy 1. Dead of Winter
Ep 151 Crystal Clans with Colby Dauch
12/04/2018 Duration: 01h21minEp. 151: Crystal Clans with Colby Dauch Topic: Crystal Clans! Tell us about the newest game from Plaid Hat Crystal Clans! What did the dynamic of the design team look like when creating Crystal Clans? Plaid Hat puts a lot of emphasis on theme in your games. Can you tell us a little about the world behind Crystal Clans? The initiative system is definitely one of the unique mechanics about Crystal Clans. Can you tell us about the design behind the initiative system? There are six different clans in the game can you tell us a little bit about the difference in the clans? How do you approach special ability design when designing a game like this? What does the development process look like when balancing this kind of game? If you had to pick one clan which would you say is your personal favorite? Is there a specific clan match up that you would suggest people start with for their first game? The rule book talks about eventual clan customization in future releases? Can we assume more Crystal Clans is on the hor