Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 309:36:03
  • More information



We are a podcast About Board games, Card games, & any other form of tabletop gaming!Join Roy, Matt, And Robert On our amazing podcasting adventure with tons of table top gaming!each week will will tackle another gaming topic and talk about game we are currently streaming and playing! we stream the podcast live on Tuesdays at 9pm ESTand we play live board games on fridays 6-10pm ESTwww.twitch.tv/epicgamingnightcheck us out on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight


  • Ep 150 Look back!

    28/03/2018 Duration: 01h39min

    Ep. 150: Look back!   News: Heroes of Land, Air, & Sea Giveaway!! https://gleam.io/9OamS/heroes-of-land-air-sea-give-away-from-epic-gaming-night Batman kickstarter ends soon Lords of Hellas huge delays What we have been playing! (Roy) Star Wars Rebellion, Dinosaur Island (Rob) Wits and Wagers, Dinosaur Island, Fantasy Realms (Matt) D&D Topic: Look Back! What have been some of your favorite moments of the podcast? What have you enjoyed most about doing the podcast? What something that’s happened on the podcast that you’ll never forget? What do you think have been our most talked about games? Rhino Hero Blood Rage Xia Dead of Winter Mansions of Madness Deception What’s a game that we’ve talked about that you really want to revisit? Dead of Winter Battlestar Galactica Tales of the Arabian Nights What is the epic gaming night podcast to you? What would you love to see us do on the podcast in the future? Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Shawn Hudson

  • The Epic Tales of Misplaced Meeples Ep2

    26/03/2018 Duration: 03h31min

    The heroic crew continues there Journey to try and find a missing little girl and uncover the mysteries behind the sudden disappearance is in the town of deepwell. Check us out on twitter and instagram @EpicGamingNight & @BoardGameBlitz Watch the video of this recording at: https://youtu.be/376ycGlVas8

  • Ep 149 Gama with Mark Streed!

    22/03/2018 Duration: 01h25min

    Ep.149: Gama with Mark Streed!   News Heroes of Land, Air, & Sea Giveaway!! https://gleam.io/9OamS/heroes-of-land-air-sea-give-away-from-epic-gaming-night Magic: The Gathering – Heroes of Dominaria Board Game Legendary: World War Hulk Death Note: Confrontation What we have been playing! (Roy) Dead of Winter: The Long Night (Mark) Empires of the Void 2, Wakening Lair, Smiths of Winterforge (Matt) Dead of Winter: The Long Night Topic: Gama & Kickstarter Previews! Mark Tell us about your trip to Gama? What is Gama all about? What all did you do with passport? Tell us about the Media stuff you did while in Reno? Are there any new games that you saw that stood out to you? Do you have any fun stories from Gama? So tell us about your new role in doing Dice Tower Kickstarter Previews? Is there a different approach when doing a kickstarter preview as opposed to a review? What's it like to work with newer publishers? Is there anything specific you do for editing for your preview videos? If you could p

  • Patron Hang out!

    15/03/2018 Duration: 01h41min

    We have a patron hang out and talked to some of our awesome patrons!

  • Ep 148 Casual Gaming

    08/03/2018 Duration: 01h33min

      News: Batman Zombicide Invader What we have been playing! (Roy) Stuffed Fables (Rob) Strike, Telestrations, Wits and Wagers: Vegas Edition (Matt) Pandemic Legacy Season 2 Topic: Casual gaming What games do you think of when it comes to casual gaming? Are there some games that are more laid back than others? Are there times where you would rather play something more casual? Are there specific aspects of a game mechanics that make a game more casual than competitive? Would you rather play something casual or something a little bit more tense? Do you find it hard to play a game casually? What game do you play when you just want to chill out? Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Steve Steitz Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com If you want to support epic gaming night check out our Patreon at Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! We stream the show normally on Tuesday nights at 9 PM Ea

  • Ep 147 Upcoming Emerson Games!

    01/03/2018 Duration: 02h05min

    We talk to Emerson about his upcoming games! Century Estern Wonders, Reef and Spector ops broken covenant! and look at what we have been playing! D&D, Xwing, and Lords of hellas! and Rob rants on Asmodee! :P    Check us out on twitter and Instagram @EpicGamingNight we got lots of cool peeps you should be one of them! www.Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight

  • The Epic Tales of Misplaced Meeples Ep 1

    27/02/2018 Duration: 03h03min

    Roy Dm's a brave group of adventures trough the start of our new D&D 5th ed series The Epic Tales of Misplaced Meeples! It will be recorded the last Sunday of each month! Roy as Folli Adam as Blemo Rob as Tarruck Crystal as Irae Matt as Malaqa Join us every month for our Dungeons & Dragons adventures! Follow us on twitter & instagram @EpicGamingNight    

  • Ep 146 Gaming with Strangers!

    22/02/2018 Duration: 01h35min

    Roy and Rob talk about the games they have been playing and Gaming with Strangers!

  • Ep 145 Big Con Small Con

    15/02/2018 Duration: 01h49min

    Roy and Rob talk about what they've been playing including rising Sun and stuffed fables. And talk about big conventions versus small local cons and how they feel about going to cons!

  • Ep 44 The Cost of Gaming

    08/02/2018 Duration: 01h47min

    Ep. 44: The Cost of Gaming   News: Xia ship powers and missions Loot n’ shoot Nemesis What we have been playing! (Roy) Rising Sun (Rob) Epic Army Men, Magic Labyrinth (Matt) Nothing Topic: The Cost of Gaming Do you think the price on board games is rising? What do you think could be the cause of the rise in price on board games? Do you think kickstarter is helping to push up the prices of board games? How much does the price of the game come in to consideration when looking at a board game? What kind of things justify the price of a game for you? Would you rather have a blinged out board game that’s more expensive or a less expensive game that plays the same but doesn’t have all the nice bits? What do you think the average price of board games is these days? Are you more likely to take a chance on low priced games? What are some more affordable games you would recommend? Any Gamelyn game Century: Spice Road Rhino Hero Go Cuckoo One Night Ultimate Werewolf Ethnos Happy Salmon Codenames Honshu What is

  • Ep 143 Countdown with Lindsey Rode

    01/02/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    Ep. 143: Interview with Lindsey Rode   What we have been playing! (Roy) Twilight Imperium 4 (Matt) Twilight Imperium 4 (Lindsay) Tokaido, Sushi Go, Jamaica, D&D Topic: Lindsey Rode and Countdown Action Edition Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do! How did you transition from chef to game designer? Both are art forms, have you always been an artist or if not when did that develop or what brought the artist out in you? What are some of the projects that you have worked on? Component Collectors Countdown: Action Edition What is it like working with Kickstarter?  Are you a nervous wreck or has it been a pretty smooth process? Now being apart of the industry do you view gaming differently? Do you have a dream IP to work on? Any Edgar Rice Burroughs Stranger Things Any advice for people looking to get into the industry? What would you say is your all-time favorite table table top game? Dead of Winter Do you have any upcoming projects or anything you would like to announce before we

  • Ep 142 sculpting miniatures with Chad Hoverter!

    25/01/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    Roy and Rob talk to Chad Hoverter about Sculpting minis!

  • Ep 141 Down South!

    18/01/2018 Duration: 01h31min

    Ep. 141: Down South!   News: ReCon is Feb 17th Kickstarters: Hate

  • Ep 140 Assembly Required

    10/01/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Ep. 140: Assembly Required   News: Strike reprint? Dice Tower Marathon reminder What we have been playing! (Roy) Fiery Dragons (Rob) Army Men (Matt) Pandemic Legacy Season 2 Topic: Assembly required! What are some board games require assembly before playing? Kingdom Death Gloomhaven Mansions of Madness What are some ways game can require assembly before play? Do you think assembly is a barrier to entry when it comes to tabletop gaming? Has assembly time ever kept you from playing a game? Do you have any tips for putting together models punching out games or getting a game ready to play? Do you enjoy the assembly process when it comes to getting a game ready to play? What can publishers do to make a game have less assembly and barrier to entry? What was your least favorite game to assemble? What was a game you enjoyed putting together? Also make sure to check out Favorite game Friday on the dice tower! Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: RPcnuwm Follow Epic Gaming N

  • Ep 139 Fallout Wasteland Warfare With Chris Birch

    06/01/2018 Duration: 01h23min

    Roy & Rob Interview Chris from Modiphius Entertainment on there new Fallout Wasteland Warfare! learn more about the game at: https://www.modiphius.net/collections/fallout-wasteland-warfare    

  • Ep 138 Past, Present, & Future!

    04/01/2018 Duration: 02h13min

    Ep. 138: Past, Present, & Future!   News: Dice tower Marathon! Rhino hero active kids? What we have been playing? (Roy) Rising 5, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Fiery Dragons (Rob) Pick up Sticks, Skyrim PSVR (Matt) Pandemic Legacy Season 2 Topic: Past and Future! Share a few stories of awesome memories from last year! Is there a specific play of a board game that was really memorable 2017? What game are you most sad you missed out on in 2017? It’s a new year!! What game are you most looking forward to playing in 2018? What kind of games do you think will be the trend in 2018? What would you like to do more of that you didn’t get to in 2017? What conventions do you plan on attending this year? Do you have any gaming resolutions for 2018? Thank you all for an amazing 2017 we’re so excited about things coming up in 2018! Our listeners are the best!!!! Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Brett Todd Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagr

  • Ep 137 Top 10 games of 2017!

    21/12/2017 Duration: 02h15min

    News: Lord of the Rings Lcg digital game New Downforce expansion map! Danger circuit. What we have been playing? (Roy) Rune Wars, Star Trek Ascendancy, Fallout (Rob) Rune Wars, Star Trek Ascendancy (Matt) Dinosaur Island Topic: Top 10 Games of 2017!   Games we didn’t get to play!   (Roy) Wasteland Express Delivery Service Dinosaur Island Civilization Dragonholt Fallout This War of Mine Wasteland Express Delivery Service Dice Forge The Thing King’s Road Bunny Kingdom Magic Maze Civilization (Rob) (Matt)   Wasteland Express Delivery Service   Gloomhaven Charterstone First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 Photosynthesis Clank! In! Space! Codenames Duet Crosstalk Kingdom Death Monster   Honorable Mention   (Roy) 5 Minute Dungeon Ethnos Gloomhaven 7th Continent Raxxon Legacy of Dragonholt (Rob) Jump Drive Viral (Matt)   Top 10   (Roy) Twilight Imperium 4 Rune Wars 7th Continent Tiny Epic Quest Rhino Hero: Super Battle Gloomhaven Fallout Cen

  • Ep 136 Epic Games With Sam Healey

    13/12/2017 Duration: 01h43min

    Roy & Rob talk with Sam Healey form the Dice Tower all about Epic Games!!

  • Ep 135 Two Players!

    07/12/2017 Duration: 01h31min

    What we have been playing? (Roy) Arkham Horror: Under the Pyramid (Rob) Rook, OG Zombiecide (Matt) Terraforming Mars Topic: 2 payers What are some good 2 player games? War of the Ring Onitama Xia 7 Ronin This War of Mine All the LCG’s Do you enjoy gaming 2 players? Is it hard to get 2 player games to the table? What games work just as well with just 2 players as it does with multiple players? Hero Clix Run, Fight, or Die Century Spice Road Spector Ops Dead of Winter Is there a different dynamic when playing two player games? When looking at two player games what is the main thing you’re looking for? 2 player co ops? Would you play more 2 player games if given the opportunity? What is your favorite two player game? (Rob) Summoner Wars (Roy) War of the Ring (Matt) Codenames: Duet Other games mentioned: Legacy of Dragonholt Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Trevor Arat Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com If

  • Ep 134 Questions!

    30/11/2017 Duration: 01h47min

    Episode 134 Questions!   What we have been playing? (Roy) Planet Defenders, Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (Rob) Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle, Modern Art (Matt) Nothing Topic: Q&A   James_ecker   Have you ever traded/sold a game out of your collection and later regretted doing so? If so, what game? Massive Darkness   Boardgamescrush   WANT ♥️   Ksig273   What's the oldest game in your current rotation and what about it has kept it there? Robo-Rally Axis and Allies Deception: Murder in Hong Kong   Meeple.overboard   Do you have a go-to game you like to introduce to people when you don't know much about their tastes? Thanks! Deception: Murder in Hong Kong   Volt_jayme   Giant board games looks like it could be the next trend... giant Kingdomino, giant Takenoko, giant Rhino Hero, giant Flick Em Up, giant Codenames What other board games would you like to see get SUPER-SIZED?   loydfoxI   have “12 Days” and “Letters to Santa” any other fun Christmas games that

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