Rebuilt U: A Show About Unlearning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:02:59
  • More information



If you want a more natural, simple, and effective life, you almost certainly have to UNLEARN what you have been taught. This show is dedicated to rebuilding you from the inside out.


  • RebuiltU #59 CBN, sleep and anxiety...

    19/10/2020 Duration: 31min

    Most people have heard of CBD and we did a podcast on CBG in December of last year.  Now, we bring you CBN and it’s potential to change your life especially if you have anxiety and sleep. Great new research out there.

  • RebuiltU #58 Make your spine more durable

    21/07/2020 Duration: 20min

    In this podcast we talk about how a spine gets so weak that the little movements cause pain.  We also talk about how to become more durable and get your life back.

  • RebuiltU #57 Everything you want to know about CBD and CBG...Yes G

    07/12/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    For more info about CBD go to or

  • RebuiltU #56 Helping the Utah foster care kids with Annie and Emma

    20/11/2019 Duration: 20min

    This is a great charity project. We talk about the need for these kids and how nice it is to give. All the details are inside if you want to participate by donating pajamas or books. Who doesn’t like buying PJ’s? 

  • RebuiltU #55 Aging Gracefully...Part 5: 100 years of wisdom

    23/04/2019 Duration: 10min

    Would you like to be Healthy, Wealthy, Well respected, and Well loved? If that sounds like a life you’d like, then this email will have a profound impact on you and the people around you.   Can you imagine skiing down a mountain at 100 years old?   Here in Salt Lake there is a local gentlemen who is still skiing at 101. Would you want to be water skiing, climbing mountains, and lifting weights at 100 years old? It’s possible.  First, we need to get you into a blue zone.    What’s that? A blue zone is a designation by Dan Buettner and his crew that studies populations with a high percentage of centenarians (people 100 years old).   The researchers found populations all over the world, then traveled there and studied the people, what they ate, how they lived, who their friends were, etc. They wrote a book about it if you want more. It’s called the Blue Zones.   In a strange twist of fate, when they launched their project to improve the health of the US, it was across the street from my office. That’s were I saw

  • RebuiltU #54 Aging Gracefully Part 4: Predicting your health without a time machine

    23/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    What is your end game?    Where do you want to be in 2 year, 5 years or maybe 10 years?   Do you have your future planned? Are you retired? Working? Skiing? see yourself playing with grandkids.    Are you healthy?   Most people would say yes, of course. The tough reality is that most people over 65 y.o. aren't very healthy. I have a lot of experience with older patients and finding someone vibrant, energetic, and not taking medications is rare. They exist and they have some commonalities.    What if you could predict your health in 2 years?    This test may do it. Holmes-Rahe Life stress inventory. Stress is a big part of everyone’s life. It seems to have the ability to over rule most good healthy life habits. Take this test and see how you fair.   What Does Your Score Mean?   150 points or less = a relatively low amount of life change and a low susceptibility to stress-induced health breakdown   150 to 300 points = 50% chance of health breakdo

  • RebuiltU #53 Aging Gracefully...Part 3 How your exercise may be hurting you.

    23/04/2019 Duration: 10min

    As people age, they have fairly common complaints. #1 is they hurt a lot more, and #2 they are more tired. One of the prime reasons people die from cancer is because they run out of energy. How do you lose energy? They have energy drinks, right?   I found out 5 years ago I was running on my reserves. I was very tired and felt like something just wasn’t right. I had massive stress at the time. So, I did some testing. It was surprising to see how low my mineral reserves were. Minerals are important because they are the backbone of your energy systems.   It takes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc to run your body. Just like it takes gas to run your car. You need raw materials to grow, repair and keep moving. So how do you lose them?   You don't put enough in or you use them up faster than you add them.  It's really that simple. Nutrient deficiencies happen over time. You have reserves in which to draw upon, so you can eat junk food for awhile, but it does catch up with you. I see this more and more with each

  • RebuiltU #52: Aging Gracefully... part 2: The 2nd enemy of aging... your decay

    23/04/2019 Duration: 07min

    Aging. We all do it, but some do it better than others. We are going to explore this topic and give you some insights about healthy aging.     The great thing about this job, is that I get to meet a wide variety of people. I think every one has something to teach me.  The super healthy and the super sick both offer lessons.   A couple of months ago I had someone come in that was "too late", much too late. Advanced neurological destruction and severe liver problems. Those are hard ones, because there is a point of no return for the body.   One of my pet projects over the last 20 years has been to find as many ways to prevent problems as I can. I think it's important because it can keep you from jumping the rails and going off course.    Health is a nebulous concept, like wisdom. There is no end point to arrive to. But, we definitely know what unhealthy is. That's pretty easy.      You have pain. You are over weight. You are chronically tired. You have diabetes. You have XYZ disease.     There are more than 10,

  • RebuiltU #51 Dr. Fab Mancini and the 5 rules to living your best life

    21/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    Special interview on living a better and more successful life with...   Dr. Fab Mancini. In the our chiropractic world he is very well known. He is becoming much more well known as a guest and friend of Dr. Phil. He is Fox News’ health expert, he’s on The Doctor’s show and he’s a best selling author.   I had a chance to sit down with him last weekend and record some of his best words of wisdom. More than 30 years of personal development went into his latest book. We summarize the 5 rules to live by. Please, listen and let the words sink in. Your life could change in the next 30 minutes. You will get at least one pearl of wisdom that will make your life better.   Rule #1 Live every day as if it is your last.   Rule #2 Focus on service over survival.   Rule #3 Do what you love and find some one to pay you for it.   Rule #4 Love yourself (accept your imperfections).   Rule #5 Prioritize your physical, mental, and spiritual health.   We go into detail on these topics and give you some action steps.  

  • RebuiltU #50 Aging Gracefully Part 1: Baby-Elderly toxin risks

    08/03/2019 Duration: 14min

      ”One of the biggest worries: cognitive development in very young children.   Babies and toddlers are particularly vulnerable due to their smaller size and developing brains and organ systems,” says James E. Rogers, Ph.D., director of food safety research and testing at Consumer Reports. “They also absorb more of the heavy metals that get into their bodies than adults do.” -Consumer Reports

  • RebuiltU #49 Great Mexico Cancer Clinic

    09/10/2018 Duration: 01h51s

    You can’t afford to NOT know about this secret Mexican clinic. This is about the most dangerous thing you might face in your life. I was talking to a patient yesterday about this email and I said “statistically” 1 in 2 males gets this. “That means either you or I will get cancer”. He laid there thinking for a minute. Then I told him 1 in 3 women get cancer. He asked me if that was ALL types. It is. When you think about it, that’s really what matters. Cancer is cancer, no matter where it is. I have something very special for you today. I sat down with a long time friend, Dr. Shetlin, and we talked about cancer as husbands and fathers and not as doctors. Why would we do that? Most of you know, I write a lot about breast cancer this time of year. I help out a breast cancer charity for survivors, and I’ve lost two close relatives to cancer. I will likely lose another relative very soon. Dr. Shetlin’s wife is currently battling cancer and he was kind enough to sit down with me and talk about it and the alternative

  • RebuiltU #48 Top health tips from 70 years of experience, plus it’s on location.

    19/09/2018 Duration: 52min

    I had a unique opportunity to sit down with two wonderful chiropractors, Dr. Shetlin and Dr. States, and talk health. Plus, we were on gorgeous Lake Powell.    Were sitting around on the house boat having a casual conversation about health and things people don’t know about chiropractic.    I got them to share a few amazing stories.  It’s much better if you listen to them. Dr. States comes from a multigenerational family of chiropractors.    Inside you’ll get their amazing stories, their dark days, their morning routines and advice that they wish all patients knew.    If you have questions about chiropractic or health, it’s a great podcast to learn from and laugh along with.    -Dr. Altman   P.S. Please let me know if you like this podcast. I’d like to get your feedback. Healthy services available in the office: -Chiropractic -Massage -Laser fat loss -Cranial therapy (fussy babies love this) -Purification programs (everyone should at least once) -Auto accident recovery programs -Nutritional and s

  • RebuiltU #47 Bringing your life out of the cellar with Sean Barnett

    30/04/2018 Duration: 31min

    This is a great story about life at the bottom and rising up.  Sean was literally thrown away at birth, was drinking alcohol at 9 and doing drugs at 13. He’s had a tough life, but sitting in jail he heard the whisper. He’s turned his life around and is a very successful counselor for people with addictions. He can help the people who have failed every other treatment.  Even though this is an important message and serious business, we made it light hearted and fun to listen to.

  • Rebuilt U #46 Why gray hair and fatigue are a warning sign

    24/04/2018 Duration: 15min

    Minerals are critical for life. If you want to learn about a few simple ways to tell if you are running low then this show will be for you.  Outward signs like gray hair are just the body’s way of telling you that you are running out of gas. Enjoy, Dr. Altman

  • RebuiltU #45 Chronic Pain part 2.

    03/10/2017 Duration: 19min

    This episode covers artificial sugars. The importance of water and my daily secret supplement for inflammation reduction and better health. The herbal supplement alone could change your life. Enjoy Dr. Altman

  • RebuiltU #44 How being a perfectionist can cause pain and addiction

    13/09/2017 Duration: 46min

    You'll learn a lot about the psychology of pain and addiction. The most fascinating thing about addiction I learned was how a seemingly common trait such as perfectionism can be a precursor to addiction.    The transcript will be up shortly.

  • RebuiltU #43 Natural Chronic Pain help Part1

    12/09/2017 Duration: 27min

    In this episode we'll cover the first part of living a pan free life. #1 The importance of essential fatty acids.  #2 why hospitals are adding massage therapy #3 The primary 3 causes of pain. #4 The destructive power of sugar. I got more comments in the office on this part than any other. #5 The down side to sugar substitutes.  You can find each part broken down online at  Just go to the articles section.

  • RebuiltU #42 Bed-ridden to Running in 2 days. The most amazing story you'll hear this year.

    11/07/2017 Duration: 23min

    She was dying. She saw 14 different doctors and got a different diagnosis from each of them. She was sick and frustrated. She was losing hope and losing her life. She lost 20lbs and her job. She was bedridden for an entire year. She never gave up and kept searching for answers. By a bizarre twist of fate she found them. The whole story and the answers are so amazing, I don't want to spoil it for you. I want you to listen to her story in her own words. I've known her for about 6 years, but the last 2 years she has been living outside of the salt lake valley. By a simple email, we reconnected and she was kind enough to come in and let me interview her for you. She's doing amazing. Listen here -Dr. Altman. P.S. If you like good stories you'll want to listen to this. P.P.S. Thursday hours added at the office Text (833) AGE-WELL Hours Mon. 9-7pm Wed. 1-7pm Thur. 9-7pm Fri. 9-7pm Sat. 10-12pm (Check the schedule first) P.P.P.S. 6 warning signs not to ignore. 1. Obesity- Fast track

  • RebuiltU #41 Breast Cancer Guide: Thought provoking look in to prevention

    07/07/2017 Duration: 56min

    All Women should read this guide or listen to this podcast. If you want a printed version, you can get it here. Here are the links in the show. The easiest place to start is with the government's own list of cancer-causing agents. They actually have 3 lists: 1) things that definitely cause cancer, 2) things that probably cause cancer, and 3) things that most likely do cause cancer.   For further reading on glutamate, this is a great summary. How I avoid this sneaky pitfall? I try hard to avoid these 3 things. 1.) L-Glutamine. This is a very popular amino acid supplement for intestine problems. I've had 2 patients taking this without my knowledge and accidentally discovered this. There are better ways to heal the guts. 2.) MSG. Monosodium Glutamate and all its derivatives. That list is too big to put he

  • RebuiltU #40 Benefits of massage. lasers, and not quitting

    06/07/2017 Duration: 22min

    This episode is worth listening to just to hear her accent.  Enjoy  Dr. Altman  

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