If you want a more natural, simple, and effective life, you almost certainly have to UNLEARN what you have been taught. This show is dedicated to rebuilding you from the inside out.
SLCSAW #19 Healthy Weight Loss: Part 1
09/09/2015 Duration: 06minWe live in America where gyms are plenitful and fat to burn is also in a full abundance. A quick perusal of Instagram and you'll have no trouble finding fitness sites or before and after pictures of amazing success stories. These are inspirational and a welcome site for me, to see such an interest in health. Kind of... I am in a very fortunate position, in that I get to talk to patients every day about spinal health and health in general. Weight loss is a very common topic...very common. It has been for as long as I can remember. When I did a survey last month, the number one topic people wanted info on was....weight loss. Even from people who don't need to lose weight. So, lets switch hats. You be the doctor. Dr. You--"So, John Doe, what have you tried to lose weight?" John-- "Well, I started exercising, stopped snacking, and ate less in general." Dr. You--"Awesome John, keep up the good work." See... You know how to lose weight. This is like me telling a smoker, "Hey, cigarettes are going to kill you"
SLCSAW #18 The Real World of Chronic Pain
27/08/2015 Duration: 23min7 simple steps to pain controlOne of the major health problems in America is chronic pain. Over the age of 65, chronic pain is the most common problem. I see chronic pain every day in the office and there are reasons some patients do better than others.This is dedicated to a patient that suffered with headaches for 50 years. I'm not kidding. No one ever told her these simple things. The first step on this list stopped that headache cycle for her.This article is going to be longer than most, but considering the social impact and potential life changing steps for you, please take each step seriously. You could drug yourself, it's cheap, it's easy, and insurance pays for a lot of drugs, but take a moment to look up the side effects of pain killers. NSAIDS have more side-effects than just about any other drug.We aren't going to cover exotic jungle juices or expensive foreign underwater electro therapies performed by unicorns with scuba gear.This article will expose you to common pain theories and observations I'v
SLCSAW #17 13 signs you're too busy
16/08/2015 Duration: 21minWe’re going to start with getting a little healthy today in a different way because I had a very interesting conversation with a patient yesterday. She was fortunate enough to spend a month on a pseudo-vacation. She had work to do. She actually did amazing. She did great, had very little trouble. Since returning home, she’s had a significant amount of pain return back into her life.We started investigating why on earth that would occur and why does pain come back. We see it all the time when people come back from vacations. They’ll get adjusted before they go on a vacation. Lo and behold, they do amazing. They have no pains, no problems, no troubles. Monday morning rolls back around and they’re back at work and they’re having all kinds of trouble.As we dig into life and what’s going on, I discovered a little bit of a secret. That busyness is a major risk factor for health. She was busy, so busy, crazy busy and didn’t know how to be any different, she didn’t know that was a problem and felt an overwhelming com
SLCSAW #16 Are you tired, and don't know what to do?
05/08/2015 Duration: 17minStart solving your fatigue problems tonight in your kitchen. Today we’re going to be talking about ENERGY. For those of you who are struggling with fatigue, this might be your show of all shows. If you’re tired and can’t get out of bed in the morning or you just don’t have that zip and energy like you used to have. Here’s a whole bunch of stuff that could help you out a lot today. This all started many, many years ago for myself because I was just tired all the time. I couldn’t get out of bed very well. At one point, it was about ten snooze alarms into the morning and my wife pretty much had to actually kick me out of bed because I couldn’t get up. That was a problem and I had to come to some realizations that I was working too hard, so I cut back on the hours that I worked. That’s where I am today. I work fewer hours and that’s okay, because I’m a lot happier and I can actually go out and have fun and play with my kids and do things that I sometimes was not able to do. Today we’re tackling fatigue, so that y
SLCSAW #15 Daily Supplement Guide
28/07/2015 Duration: 17minPeople often ask me about supplements because they either know they need to take more, or they want to simplify what they are taking, or upgrade to something more natural. People are more interested in nutrition, in general, now-a-days than ever before. Over the past 17 years, I’ve seen a great shift in the thinking of most people about their health over all, more people are choosing organic foods, eco-cleaners, farmers markets, and most patients take supplements. I started using Supplements in practice about 16 years ago because patients were struggling to heal. I've noticed a trend, about every 7-10 years it seems to be a harder for people to heal. As I learned more, and realized whole food supplements and herbs wield tremendous power to help people, so I started counseling people from all over. It took me about 5 years to see a stark difference in patients. All of the patients I was adjusting and giving supplements to were doing much better than the ones who were just getting supplements. And so my number o
SLCSAW #14 Sleep Better with IntelliBed
15/07/2015 Duration: 21minThis article started from a conversation with a patient. She's having trouble sleeping and has tried to get into a sleep study. Problem is, she can't get in for 4 months. Nice. So, we had a conversion about ways to sleep better now. One of the quickest ways to improve sleep is to get a new bed. I'll give you more tips at the end, as well.So, to add to your sleeping better knowledge I sat down with a local sleep expert from IntelliBed, Kristin Moyle.I know a lot of people who have trouble sleeping. I thought maybe we could get some more tips today on how to sleep better. We’re going to try to give you lots of ideas and ways to improve your sleep. She has a background in health. I’m going to let her talk a little bit about her story and what she can bring to the table for you today. Take it away, Kristin.Kristin Moyle: Thanks, Dr. Altman. I have a background in health. My degree was in Health Promotion at BYU. I came to IntelliBED a couple of months ago, because I feel like the gel that’s inside the bed contrib
SLCSAW #13 How to find purpose, passion, and RAWtopia
30/06/2015 Duration: 58minThis is Dr. Altman. I am in Rawtopia with Omar. He is the owner and the master chef here. I have something very special for you because we were in the office the other day and he was telling me all about his purpose in life. He has an amazing story and I think you guys can all benefit from his history, his story and maybe a little journey on finding your own purpose. Maybe if you want to just tell people a little about what we were talking about in the office last week and how you ended up in the restaurant business. I think it's a fascinating story because you've been all over the world and you have a story unlike anybody else I've ever heard. Maybe if you want to just refresh people like who you are, how you got into the restaurant business, and really just your story and how you ended up in Salt Lake. Thanks for having me on this podcast. It’s an honor. Anyway, we were talking about purpose. Purpose is something incredibly important. I feel like we're all destined to do something that we’re sent here to do
SLCSAW #12 Questions I wish patients would ask
22/06/2015 Duration: 18minHere is something that you may not know, and a little background for the questions. Chiropractic is 120 year old profession that's been scutinized more than any other, and the largest and most politically powerful organization in the world has tried to bury it with a orchestrated conspiracy. You might be thinking, yeah right! In 1963, the AMA formed a committee to "contain and eliminate" chiropractic. So you might want to ask, why would you want to contain and try and eliminate something? There is a very well documented court case you can watch in the movie "Doctored". You can even watch it for free on AMAZON PRIME. has a trailer and a great video with the producer. New Zealand tried everything possible to keep chiropractors from practicing, and in another court case, found no reason that the public couldn't benefit. Chiropractic is the largest natural health profession, licensed in all 50 states. If you want to be a healthier person, we're pretty good people to talk to. Someti
SLCSAW #11 You matter more than you know
09/06/2015 Duration: 07minThis may be one of the most important podcasts I've done. How much are YOU worth? Are you worth X dollars per hour? Are you worth love from your family?Are you worth ____________fill in the blank?"Your self-worth has nothing to do with your craft or calling, and everything to do with how you treat yourself." -Kris CarrHow people spend their time and money is very telling of how much they value themselves. The body that you were born with is yours and it is a blessing. It is the vehicle that carries your soul around.Most people would agree that true health is eating more than a salad and hitting the gym. Healthy people have a...Healthy MindHealthy Body &Healthy SoulWe've talked about these concepts in chiropractic for more than 100 years. I look at it like this. Is your mind full of giving, caring, graciousness, love, and helping others? orDo you think about how to get things, one up someone, take from others, talk over some one or down to them? Is your mind filled with peace? or Angst or worry?Are you thi
SLCSAW #10 Omega 3 and Vitamin D, and why you need more than you think
27/05/2015 Duration: 13minToday I have something very special for you.This is part 3 of our basic supplement series. Ninety-one percent of people, statistically with a researched data, have the problem that we’re going to talk about today. Most of you can benefit immensely from today’s podcast. We are talking about omega three fatty acids and my personal favorite, cod liver oil. For hundreds of years, cod liver oil has been used as a staple for people’s general health. Where did it all go? Many times people have memories of their grandmother having some cod liver oil maybe when they were kids. But you don’t see it as often nowadays. But actually people need it more than ever. I think maybe years ago the taste was so awful that people just got rid of it from their cabinets. That’s probably understandable. But today the manufacturing has gotten to be significantly better, and it doesn’t really taste like much of anything. A lot of it just has some simple flavors like lemon. It seems to be the most common for the ones that we sell or rec
SLCSAW #9 Life, Health, Success all wrapped up in one VERY powerful 1/2 hour with Garrett Gunderson
21/04/2015 Duration: 35minWelcome back. This is Dr. Altman and today I have a very special guest with you. His name is Garrett Gunderson. He is a financial guru that has a fabulous book out called ‘Killing Sacred Cows.’ He’s done numerous TV shows. and they run a very successful financial program here in Salt Lake City. Today, I want to bring you a little bit more with him because he does something that a lot of very successful people don’t do very well, that is take good care of their health, and I want to let him kind of give you a little information on his health journey, maybe some success tips, and in general, make your life a lot better. So I’ve just got to turn it over to Garrett, if he has anything new to say, but also I kind of want to know how your journey into better health started. Garrett: Well for me, I think it was 2005, I want to…What I told my wife, I said… It was a spa, but it was actually a week long health retreat that we went to. Dr. A: Is this the one at Sanoviv? Garrett: It was, yes. Sanoviv that we we
SLCSAW #8 Want more energy? Here's Karen Urbanek
08/04/2015 Duration: 21minDr. A: So, if there’s one thing you could help people with, that say, “Hey, I need some more energy.” Where would they start looking? Karen: Energy, Dr. Altman. They just have to spark it up a little bit, right? Dr. A: I know. I know. Karen: Sparky, come on! All energy, every single symptom I feel that’s wrong with any one, any animal or any human being, is a lack of minerals. Minerals are needed for every single action in the body because they carry an electrical current. The coolest part is minerals all come from the ground. The rest of the ENERGY interview is filled with nuggets of wisdom. Read more here. All you need to know about Karen and classes. Direct download iTunes link
SLCSAW #7 How Jake South found peace in MMA fighting
29/03/2015 Duration: 13minDr. A: Welcome back, this is Dr. Altman, and today we have a very special guest. This is Jake South. He is our local MMA fighter of the month, and maybe the year. He has a big career ahead of him. He has a fight coming up April 4th at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, Utah. I thought I'd give him a little promotion. You can learn a little more about mixed martial arts. Without any more intro, I think he can best tell you about his career. It's pretty awesome. He has some cool things to share with you, because he has a different style than every one else. Jake, why don't you tell every one how you got into fighting? Jake: I started out in 2007. I started with the modern army combatives program in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Dr. A: You should tell people, you are a full time military guy. Jake: Yes, I'll be a career army guy. I have almost 15 years in. I didn't start my fighting career until 7 years into the military. But, once I started the Jiu Jitsu, and boxing, Muay Tai, and everything else the Army instill
SLCSAW #6 Cancer options - Jamie Foote and Dr. Altman
24/03/2015 Duration: 12minDr. A: Alright, we are back with a very special guest today This lady is an inspiration to me and she will most likely be a very big inspiration to you. Because she has one of the coolest stories on cancer survival that I have heard, and I want you to hear this straight from her, so that you understand that cancer is a nasty thing that takes a lot of work to get over and there is no one simple cure and there are a lot of things you can do. I interviewed multiple cancer survivors, and they all have one thing in common, they have done a whole lot of different stuff. She's going to talk about some of things she's done, just to give you an idea of things that are out there. If there are more questions, just add them in the comments. I met Jamie last year, and she helped me with some cancer things and she turned me onto some sites that I just had never heard of before. She is an absolute wonderful resource, so what I'm going to do, is let her tell you her story and I'll jump in periodically. I'm going to let yo
SLCSAW #5 Detox easier than ever with this liver supplement
11/03/2015 Duration: 09minCan you imaging laying on the couch achy, tired, and basically unable to move? This happened to a friends wife, when she started a detox program. She was so polluted with junk that when she forced too much out, too fast, her liver and kidneys couldn't keep up. This is fairly common, because most people are very full of toxic debris. What $15,000 can buy you in testing National Geographic paid that to test one journalist for 320 chemicals. Interestingly, he tested off the charts for PBDE, a flame-retardant chemical, ie... from mattreses, carpets, TV's, automobiles, and especially the insides of airplanes are drenched with these chemicals. These chemicals are so wide spread, they have been found in polar bears in the arctic. Read full article...
SLCSAW #4 What cholesterol has taught me
03/03/2015 Duration: 17minThe Lord has blessed me with many trials and troubles in life. At the time they are not much fun, but looking back, I see the lesson and the wisdom. Just for your reference, I've taught 100's of classes on health. I don't remember most of them, but I do remember the one I taught on cholesterol about 15 years ago. I've done almost all the classes for private groups except a few, and this cholesterol class was for a Rotary Club. This is the one and only time I got in a public argument over a health topic. This is a very polarizing topic and it doesn't have to be. I was teaching on the benefits of cholesterol and the complexity and unknowns of heart disease. Basically, it was a class about not demonizing cholesterol. There was a guy in the back of the room, that could not even for the slightest moment, believe his cardiologist didn't walk on water. No matter how much research I presented from the medical journals, history, and PhD's, it was a complete mental block. It taught me a lot about the power of belief. N
SLCSAW #3 The BS of Eat Less and Exercise More
17/02/2015 Duration: 16minThe BS of Eat less, Exercise more, Read this if you aren't losing weight. As many of you know, I've been on a documentary kick. I watch 3-4 a day and many of them multiple times. The latest one is "Fed Up". I really think, if every American watched it, we could be a new nation. It has many good points. I'm just going to give you a summary of the first half. In 1953, It all started with a mouse and its exercise. Researchers noticed that the mouse that exercised was thinner. I don't know about you, but I know plenty of women that exercise religiously and never lose weight. My wife used to be one of them, until we figured out she had a hormone problem. Boom, she lost 33 lbs, that year. She actually exercised less. I used to have a body fat percentage that was immovable. I worked out, hard, three times a week. It wasn't until I stopped exercising and significantly destressed my life, that my body fat dropped a percentage a month. I couldn't believe it. Between the years, 1980-2000 fitness club memberships
SLCSAW #2 Why I take a nearly 100 year old multivitamin
15/02/2015 Duration: 18minWhy a multivitamin can help you and make some big differences This is a story from a patient who was in desperate need of help. You are not likely this bad off, but it highlights how a few simple things can make a huge impact. “In a nutshell… Dr. Altman saved my life. When I first came to Dr. Altman 6 weeks ago I felt hopeless. I’m 36 years old and I truly felt that I was dying. I was so deeply entrenched in medical problems and worries since I was 6 years old, but I didn’t care what medications I took just as long as I could temporarily feel better. After all I thought didn’t have much longer to live, even my body support this feeling. I was lethargic, depressed, forgetful, and had pain everywhere. I was taking 2 to 10 Ibuprofen a day. I was going through a bottle of antacids per week. This was in addition to my prescription. For asthma allergies and high blood pressure, but I was still having health problems. I was referred to Dr. Altman and after my first adjustment I felt like new and I could actu
SLCSAW #1 Detox with food and supplements for better health
15/02/2015 Duration: 13minLast month when I did a survey with patients about what they were most interested in...detoxification was the run away winner. Two months ago, I had a patient with chronic pain do a very simple cleansing diet. I mean very simple, and even with just diet changes, it was amazing. Within 5 days, she had almost no pain. I meet patients every month that have no idea what life would be like without pain, OR they have had pain so long they think it is normal. Yes, some people think that everyone has low back pain, or that everyone has headaches, or…. (fill in the blank). A lot of people may have those problems and it may be “common”, but it is not normal. Do this simple detox diet test. Just answer Yes or No Y / N -Headaches Y / N -Fatigue Y / N -Digestive Problems Y / N -Food Cravings Y / N -Weight gain Y / N -Low mental focus Y / N -I drink alcohol Y / N -I drink soda Y / N -I eat fast food Y / N -I drink tap water Y / N -I don’t eat organic food If you circled “Y” for any of them, you may want