We are a podcast About Board games, Card games, & any other form of tabletop gaming!Join Roy, Matt, And Robert On our amazing podcasting adventure with tons of table top gaming!each week will will tackle another gaming topic and talk about game we are currently streaming and playing! we stream the podcast live on Tuesdays at 9pm ESTand we play live board games on fridays 6-10pm us out on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight
Ep 54 SeaFall With Rob Daviau
12/05/2016 Duration: 01h27minThis week we talk to Rob Daviau about SeaFall, Legacy games, & Game Design! Introduce Rob Daviau! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Masmorra (Rob D) Clash of Clans (Rob N) Splendor, Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn (Matt) Stellaris What are some of the games you have worked on? Bunches of Hasbro games Betrayal at House on the Hill Risk & Risk legacy Pandemic Legacy Seafall Where did the idea of a legacy game come from? Started from trying to add something new to Clue Then retooled the idea into Risk Legacy What is Seafall? “Indiana Jones in the age of sail” If you had free reign and the proper licensing to make any game a Legacy game but would it be? Seafall Golden age Justice League What is your current favorite tabletop game? 1st edition D&D back in 1983 Is there anything else you would like to talk about or promote! Chronicles news coming in the fall Sea Fall PreOrders at Follow Rob Daviau
Ep 53 Competitive Gaming
05/05/2016 Duration: 01h28minThis week we talk Competitive gaming, Tournaments, & what we have been playing! also news Sea Fall & Xia Expansion! News & junk! Seafall!! ROB DAVIAU ON THE NEXT PODCAST!!!!!!! Far off Games announced kickstarter dates for new Xia Expansion!!!!!!! Tabletop day recap! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Millennium Blades (Rob) Tiny Epic Kingdoms: Heroes Call and Tiny Epic Galaxies (Matt) Also Millennium Blades What games have you played competitively or in a tournament style setting? (Matt) TF2 (Rob) Call of Duty: WaW, Friday Night Magic, Risk Legacy (Roy) Heroclix, Magic, Redemption How do you prepare for playing in a competitive tournament? (Rob) GET HYPE!!! (Roy) Meticulous thought. (Matt) Just play the game. What board game would you play in a competitive tournament? (Rob) Game of Thrones (Roy) Galaxy Trucker (Matt) Rhino Hero Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram Glow in the dark ts
Ep 52 Lord of the Rings - With Marty from Rolling Dice & Taking Names
28/04/2016 Duration: 01h27minThis wee we talk to Marty from rolling dice & taking names all about Lord of the Rings! and what we have been playing! Check it! Introduce Marty from Rolling Dice and Taking Names! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Legendary, Hearthstone, and Tiny Epic Galaxies (Rob) Star Wars Queen’s Gambit (Matt) Star Wars Imperial Assault (Marty) 51st State and a mention of Star Wars Rebellion Topic: Lord of the Rings What is lord of the rings? A fantasy IP from J.R.R. Tolkien. When did you first hear of Tolkien's world of Middle Earth? Lord of the Rings Cartoon Books Movies Do you think Tolkien's work had a big influence on the fantasy genre? YES! What are some tabletop games with the lord of the rings theme? War of the Ring Risk: Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings CCG Lord of the Rings LCG Lord of the Rings: The Miniature Game Marty what is your current favorite board game? Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn Is there anything else you'd like to talk about or promote? Rolldicetakenames.
Ep 0.1 Epic Gaming Night
21/04/2016 Duration: 01h16minWe are Epic Gaming Night! check out more at
Ep 51 Player or Hobbyist
14/04/2016 Duration: 58minThis week Roy and Matt talk about being a board game Player Vs being a hobbyist, Casual gaming, & Bringing people in to the hobby. we also take some questions from our listeners! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Atomic Empire, Codenames Pictures (Matt) NDA’s, Telestrations After Dark What is the difference between a board game player and a hobbyist? Player enjoys playing games but doesn’t get into buying all the games. Hobbyist’s get super into the theme. What would you consider yourself? (Matt) Player (Roy) Hobbyist Should we be trying to convert people to the hobby? Yeah Is there anything wrong with being a casual gamer? Nope Do you think there's too much elitism in gaming? Ehh What can gamers do to be more inclusive to all people groups? Be nice. Questions from some listeners! Isthisgamefun: Are there any Kickstarter games that you're really looking forward to? Secret Hitler Banner Saga Scythe Are they any games that everyone loves but you don't? Killer Bunnies? Board
Ep 50 Guest Exstraganza!
07/04/2016 Duration: 01h25minWe Celebrate 50 Episodes with a ton of amazing guests! We talk Games we are excited about and play a game of Werewolf to close out the show! And check out our new shirts at Guests Brandon @_Analoggamer Emerson @nazcagames Isaac @Isaacsashes Jerry @Mice_guy Josh @Jlobkowicz Mark @Boardgamecorner and us @Epicgamingnight
Ep 49 Golden Geeks
31/03/2016 Duration: 01h23minThis week we talk about the Golden Geek awards form board game geek, out thoughts, and how we voted! we also talk Blood Rage and Pandemic Legacy! What we have been playing!? (Everybody) Blood Rage and Pandemic Legacy For a breakdown of the Golden Awards just listen to the podcast!!! Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram
Ep 48 Nazca Games with Emerson Matsuuchi
24/03/2016 Duration: 01h25minEp: 48 Nazca games with Emerson! we talk about all the awesome stuff coming out of Nazca Caravan, app devolpment, and more awesome things in the works!! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Tail Feathers (Rob) Axis and Allies: D-Day (Matt) Xia (Emerson) Imperial Settlers Nazca Games! Moving more toward game design and development instead of publishing. What games do you have in your current line up? Caravan Spice Road Crystal Golem Tell us about Caravan. Who's idea was it to do two completely different themes on the game? The Plaid Hat guys Are you team Spice Road or team Crystal Golem? The original design was for the spice road variant Apps!! How is the specter ops app coming along? Good just working on texturing the 3D elements and creating the low poly models Any clue on a release date? Should be mid-summer 2016 Dead of winter the long night in the cross roads app? Issac mentioned it should be integrated into the existing Dead of Winter app Any new designs from Nazca coming up that we s
Ep 47 Grey Fox Games with Josh Lebkowicz
17/03/2016 Duration: 01h53minWe talk with Josh at Grey Fox games about all the awesome stuff coming out of grey fox, Expanding in to global markets, and the growth of the board gaming hobby! What we’ve been playing: (Roy) Cosmic Encounter (Rob) Mansions of Madness (Matt) Robo Rally (Josh) A Study in Emerald, Innovation What games do you have in your current line up? Champions of Midgard A Study in Emerald Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Operation F.A.U.S.T Update on hot games coming back in print like deception? April-ish for deception. What is grey fox doing to expand into global markets? Went to Essen Making contacts at cons to help distribute Finding producers who want to make localized versions of the games What's coming out at grey fox? 7 Ronin Waste Riders London Dread What conventions will Grey Fox be at this year? Gencon Essen Dice Tower Con BGG Con Do you think board gaming will continue to grow the way we have seen in the last few years? Yes What is your personal favorite movie? Stranger than Fiction Is there
Ep 46 Board With Life
10/03/2016 Duration: 01h49sThis week we interview Casey & Donald from Board with Life the board game based sitcom! We talk all about how they got started, Donald's amazing attendance, the second season of board with life, and Casey's relationship with his "sister". Games we’ve been playing: (Rob) Time Stories (Roy) Specter Ops (Matt) Istanbul (Donald) Brass (Casey) Spyfall Games we talk about during the podcast: Fiasco Pandemic D&D No Thanks Check out board with life at and all our other podcasts at
Ep 45 Down Under With Rule & Make
03/03/2016 Duration: 01h11minThis week we talk to the guys from Rule & Make about Publishing games, Digital VS Analog, and gaming in Australia. Games we talk about: During the interview: Golem Arcana Alchemy X-COM Rise to Power Quantum Pillars of the Earth Glory to Rome (Blackbox Edition) Rule and Make Games Entropy Ninja Dojo Fight Burger Up Robots and Rockets Skyward (Coming out on Kickstarter soon) check them out at check out our streams live at
Ep 44 Ashes of Winter With Isaac Vega
23/02/2016 Duration: 01h23minThis week we talk to Isaac Vega about everything that is coming in Dead of Winter the Long Dark! and about the upcoming Ashes expansions and organized play! Make sure to check out this Plaid Hat filled Episode!! Twitter & Instagram @EpicGamingNight
Ep. 43 Science
18/02/2016 Duration: 01h25minThis week we talk Science in board games! are board games realistic? What we’ve been playing: (Rob) Dead of Winter (Roy) Operation F.A.U.S.T (Matt) Deception What are some games that have Science in the game or the theme? Edison vs Tesla Power Grid Pandemic Anything space Do you think the science in boardgames is realistic? Nope! Space travel? Bunch of things Is a Zombie plague realistic? Potentially Technology mumbo-jumbo in sci-fi? It’s good. What aspect of science would you like to see made into a board game? Hard Science! Terraforming Mars Robinson Crusoe Mars game Wormholes/ Blackholes Time Dilation Exploration of planets Stream Tue 9pm EST
Ep 42 Illustrations with Henning Ludvigsen
13/02/2016 Duration: 48minThis week i talk to Henning Ludvigsen about freelance Illustrations and what its like working with Fantasy Flight Games! we also talk about what we have been playing, Dead of Winter & RoboRally! Questions: What is a illustrator? What all does your job as an illustrator involve? What are some of the projects you have worked on? How important are good illustrations in a boardgame? What is it like working with big publishers like Fantasy Flight and Cool Mini or Not? What are some of the biggest struggles in being a freelance illustrator? What is the best part about working in the board gaming industry? Do you get to play a lot of the games that you illustrate? What is your favorite tabletop game? What upcoming projects or things your working on would you like to tell us about or promote!? Streams at: Make sure to check us out in Twitter and Instagram @epicgamingnight & @Henning_Art Check out Henning at: Thanx guys!
Ep 41 Intellectual Properties
11/02/2016 Duration: 01h10minThis week on the podcast we talk Intellectual properties! Whats good and bad & what IP we would love to see made in to a board game! What we’ve been playing: (Roy) Lord of the Rings LCG (Rob) Hand and Foot (Matt) Entropy and Deception What is a IP? An idea or universe created by another person What are some examples of IP games? Battlestar Galactica Star Wars Star Trek Sons of Anarchy Marvel Aliens Civilization Lord of the Rings Portal Banner Saga What IPs would you love to see made into a game? How would it work? Tri-gun The Matrix Revolution Queen’s gambit style Blade Runner Social deduction or hidden movement Braveheart Area control American Hustle Full Metal Alchemist Why do some Companies struggle with making a good IP game? Copy Paste the theme without any thought or love for the show, series, or movie How to do a IP right by the fans? If in doubt just don’t make it Put out feelers of the theme to gauge reactions What is your favorite game with a IP? (Rob) Game of Thrones (Roy) W
Ep 40 Finite Plays
04/02/2016 Duration: 01h21minThis week on the podcast we talk about Finite Games Like Time Stories and Pandemic Legacy & our play of Forbidden Stars! What we’ve been playing: Pandemic Legacy Forbidden Stars Summoner Wars What is a finite game? A game that you can only play through once. Examples of a finite game? Pandemic Legacy Risk Legacy Time Stories What do you like about finite games? Great stories that live in and with the board Permanent upgrades that persists throughout the game Decisions carry real weight on each subsequent playthrough Video game like features Do you think not being able to play a game infinite number of times is bad? Nope! Good games are good games regardless of playthrough counts Can having spoilers in a game be a bad thing? Not really. If you are worried about spoilers don't look on the internet How can playing through a game and that being the end be a good thing? Has emotional impact and weight that carries on past that playthrough What game would you like to see as a finite game? (Roy)
Ep 39 Real Time
28/01/2016 Duration: 01h11minThis week we talk Real Time Games, Gencon Hotels, & What we have been playing! GEN-CON hotel news! What we’ve been playing: (Roy) Pitch Car Painting Blood Rage minis (Rob) Splendor and Dead of Winter (Matt) You get nothing! NOTHING! What is a real time game? Game mechanics force you to use real time What are some games with real time mechanics? Telestrations X-COM the board game Escape Falling Zombie 15 Space Alert Robo Rally Space Cadets Die Fighters What is fun about real time mechanics? Under pressure RIP Bowie Excitement Pure adrenaline Are real time games stressful? The long and short of it: sorta What type of game would you love to see with real time mechanics? (Rob) A type of area control war game (Roy) 2 player fighting game i.e. Street Fighter (Matt) Spector Ops type of game Reverse spector ops Favorite RTG? (Roy) Galaxy Trucker (Rob) X-COM (Matt) Telestrations Epic Story about RTG’s? (Roy) Robo-Rally Everyone only had 30 sec to program 6 actions (Rob) Catch-Phrase
Ep 38 Q&A
21/01/2016 Duration: 01h45minThis week we do a Q&A from viewers/listeners! Games we have been playing: (Roy) Cash and guns + expansion (Rob) Welcome to the Dungeon (Matt) Codenames with Dixit cards (All) Naruto Shippuden deck building game Print and plays Lots of tips and we talk about the pain of puting them togeather. Games in 2016 Seafall Dead of Winter Expansion Secret Hitler New Star Wars Rebellion Lost in Space Beginner Games? Codenames Rhino Hero Summoner Wars Love Letter Legendary Flash Point Fire Rescue Aesthetics? Need a good balance of both aesthetics and game play to make a game good Simplistic Games with easy rules? Summoner Wars Flash Point Fire Rescue Codenames Pandemic Most co-op games First "speciality games" you played? (Rob) Mansions of madness, BSG, GOT (Roy) Dune, Settlers of Catan/Canaan (Matt) One Night Ultimate Werewolf Which Risk is the best (aside from the original and the legacy versions)? LOTR Risk Walking Dead Risk 2210 Risk Casual Filler Game Quick Easy to teach Silly (gets
Ep 37 Randomness
14/01/2016 Duration: 01h29minThis Week we talk about the good and bad of Randomness in games! Also What we have been playing! Burgle Bros. Tales of the Arabian Nights, & Secret Hitler! Topic Randomness What are some examples of randomness in games? What are some games utilize randomness? How can randomness help a game? Can to much randomness be a bad thing? What are come was to mitigate randomness? What is your favorite game with a lot of randomness? Do you have a epic story about randomness in a game? Listener Question: How do you acquire games on a budget? Thanx!
Ep 36 Gamelyn Games
07/01/2016 Duration: 01h17minThis Week we talk to Michael Coe all about Gamelyn games and there new kickstarter Tiny Epic West! What have we been playing? X-Com, Deception: Murder at Hong Kong, Star Wars Carcassonne, & Tiny Epic Western. Topic: Tiny Epic Gamelyn! How did Gamelyn get started? What is the Philosophy behind making tiny epic games? Tell us about some of the Games that have come out at Gamelyn? What are some of the struggles of making a Tiny Epic game? Would Gamelyn ever make a Big Epic game? Kickstarter is a Core part of your business model can you tell us about how kick starter has worked for Gamelyn? Tell us more about tiny epic western? Are there any new and exciting things you were doing for this kick starter? What is your personal favorite tabletop game? Are there any other awesome things coming up at Gamelyn that you want to talk about or promote? New Fantasy Game Coming From Gamelyn Scoop! Check us out on Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, & Itunes! Tiny Epic Western coming to kickstarter 1/11/16!