It is well established in the literature that relationships of all types throughout our lifetime impact health and well being physically and psychologically. Research shows that most chronic diseases have lifestyle and environmental causes. Beginning in childhood and even prenatally, events and relationships the way in together which we interact with nature the world around us shape our state of health and happiness. Affection and aggression have profound implications on physical and emotional development, homeostasis and immune function. How we are loved, how we love each other and how we love and care for ourselves not only impact chronic disease but also resilience, depression and anxiety, sleep issues and performance. Self-care is the true health care!This journey of Love is Medicine will help you get back to who you really are, so that through accepting the love around you, though practicing the self-love of self-care and self-accountability, you will heal all areas of your life: Health, relationships, and business.
082: How To Fight Fatigue With The Energy Blueprint w/ Ari Whitten
26/12/2019 Duration: 01h06minWhen you don’t have enough energy to get through your day, everything in your life suffers. Ari Whitten knows the struggle of chronic fatigue first hand and has connected the dots throughout a decade of study to create a coherent framework grounded in scientific evidence for understanding human energy enhancement. The best selling author, fatigue and energy specialist who focuses on taking an evidence-based approach to energy enhancement, Ari is here to bust some myths surrounding chronic fatigue and shine a light at what conventional and holistic medicine has to offer. Today we are breaking down the layers of the story of what is going on inside of your body when it comes to your circadian rhythm, critical enzymes, root causes of low energy, chronic illness, and more. By looking at your lifestyle habits, nutrition, toxins and more, you can tune in and listen to your body and avoid becoming subject to many of the toxic diseases out there. If the modern lifestyle is what is driving the prevalence of chronic
081: Start Living With Intention & How To Do It w/ Tonya Dalton
19/12/2019 Duration: 28minHave you ever considered that hiding behind your busy schedule could be stopping you from deepening your relationships and living the life that you desire? Tonya Dalton is a productivity expert, writer, speaker, and founder of inkWELL Press Productivity Co. Today Tonya is here to explain to you why you should stop living with the fear of missing out and start actively choosing how you want to spend your time. Instead of filling your days with the things that society tells you you ‘should’ be doing, Tonya wants you to start focusing on your priorities and living a life of intention. By replacing the things that you say ‘yes’ to out of obligation and guilt with things that are meaningful for you and your family, you can start to value happiness as the key to life again. Tonya is here to ask you to look at the story you are telling yourself, stop driving yourself crazy with ‘should’s’, and start to structure your day around you and what works for your life. By leaning into your strengths as well as your weaknes
080: How To Tune Into Your Breath To Find True Healing w/ Victoria Albina
12/12/2019 Duration: 43minVictoria Albina can remember always being sick, which is why she started to adopt the identity of a sick person as part of her inner truth. Through her healing journey, Victoria realized that it was only by finding gratitude in her ability to feel symptoms and dismissing her habitual thoughts that were keeping her sick that she was able to re-establish her ability to heal from within. Now a cognitive-behavioral life coach, breathwork meditation facilitator, herbalist, and family nurse practitioner, Victoria helps others manage their minds and engage with their breath to find true healing instead of falling into a pattern of relapse. Today she is here to provide tools, resources, and recommendations to help you realize that in the end, your healing is up to you. Victoria is a true believer and real-life example of our own innate capacity to heal ourselves. Instead of relying on doctors in white lab coats, Victoria wants to empower you to manage your mind, shift your thinking and get in touch with your body to
079: What Is Infrared & How Can It Help You Heal w/ Connie Zack
05/12/2019 Duration: 29minWhen her brother became increasingly ill with no cure in sight, a dentist-recommended infrared therapy to help him release the toxins from his body. What Connie Zack saw was a total healing transformation that urged her to create Sunlighten Sauna. For the last 17 years, Connie has grown this business from her basement to a brand-new headquarters and takes pride in producing infrared sauna products that are made with love every step of the way. Infrared light therapy can heal you from the inside out and is a pleasurable way of detoxing your body and helping your body heal itself. If you have never heard of infrared light therapy and want to learn what it’s all about, want to support female entrepreneurship or are interested to learn about these cutting edge products that are unlike anything on the market, this episode is a must-listen. Just like other health-conscious choices, infrared sauna therapy is a tool that can help you invest in your health on a daily basis inside your home with no adverse effects. A l
078: How To Embrace Vulnerability, Self-Compassion & Healthy Masculinity w/ Stefanos Sifandos
29/11/2019 Duration: 45minAfter unhealthy relationships with others and himself in his childhood started impacting his relationships as an adult, Stefanos Sifandos decided to take a good look at the intimate relationships within his life and the role his masculinity played in his self-perception. A coach who is deeply immersed in men’s empowerment, Stefanos works to create a space of non-judgment for men to express who they are instead of going into their suppressed shadow. In a world that is increasingly supportive of the women’s empowerment movement, men can often be left behind. This episode is dedicated to promoting balance and power in love and life for both sexes and gaining tools to help lift each other up and become intrinsically healthy individuals. If you would like to explore what a healthy relationship with yourself and others looks like, join in on the conversation of gender fluidity and the expressive states of masculinity and feminity or just want to hear a male perspective on the state of masculinity in our world today
077: How To Unlock The Power Of Your Vibe w/ Robyn Openshaw
21/11/2019 Duration: 36minHave you ever thought of yourself as a substance that attracts or repels others through your energy, frequency, and vibration? Robyn Openshaw is an expert in helping others unlock their energetic frequencies and leverage the positivity that can come as a result. A former psychotherapist, university professor, and lecturer, Robyn has authored over 15 books including her latest book, Vibe, which helps others unlock the power of energetic frequencies. When we are able to build our bodies out of higher vibration materials, you automatically begin to attract those vibrating at the same level as you. This can be accomplished through nutrition, mindset and modified fasting to suit each individual while delivering unmistakeable results including weight loss and the relief from anxiety and depression. If you want the secrets to the Universe, Robyn is here to help show you the way and develop your intuition so that you can rebuild your cells, reverse disease and find true happiness. By understanding what is happening
076: How To Get A Handle On Your Hormones w/ Dr. Carrie Jones
14/11/2019 Duration: 47minWhile hormones are often villainized or dismissed, they can play a huge role in your relationships, mood and overall health. Dr. Carrie Jones is a functional medicine women’s health and hormone doctor, speaker, and medical director of the DUTCH test, a test specifically designed to help women get a handle on their hormones and understand their adrenals. Passionate about educating and empowering women on the ‘hard stuff’ in regards to our hormonal biochemistry as women, Carrie is here to help you stand up for yourself and increase your ability to do research and help you work on your own health. The truth is, most people know more about how to use Instagram than they do about their own hormones. By understanding how hormones can affect your relationship, mood, anxiety and more, you can start to motivate yourself to improve your mind and body for true body optimization. If you want to understand the connection between your hormones, blood sugar, cardiovascular health, fatigue and more, gain insight into what
075: Why You Need To Embrace Life's Unplanned Challenges w/ Rachel Kodanaz
07/11/2019 Duration: 54minRachel Kodanaz’s world was shattered when her husband passed away unexpectedly leaving her with a two-year-old daughter and a life full of uncertainty. Through her strength and perseverance, she was able to come out of the other side and now teaches others how to embrace life’s challenges, both planned and unplanned. A best selling author, speaker, and consultant, Rachel knows first hand that loss is part of our life experience and helps others embrace the opportunity that loss gives us to heal the deep areas of our hearts and minds. It is only by understanding loss and living through it that you can work through your grief and accept your new reality. Instead of trying to fix or help the situation, Rachel works to help others look at loss as something that you have to learn to live with and not get held back from it. In the end, it is not the challenge but what we do with it that defines the rest of our journey. If you or someone you love has suffered a loss and is having difficulty taking the steps neces
074: How To Support Good Health & Harmony Within A Family w/ Amy Rothenberg ND
31/10/2019 Duration: 53minYour naturopathic doctor should play the same consulting role in your household as your accountant or lawyer. While naturopathic medicine is not a quick fix, it can help guide you during moments of insecurity or ambiguity during your journey as a parent and partner. Amy Rothenberg, N.D, works with individuals and families to support good health and harmony throughout everyone’s unique family structure. Amy helps parents navigate the vast amount of information that is currently out there to figure out how to be in control of your house, kids, and life. If taking your children to the grocery store is a daunting task because of fear of an outburst, if your child only eats hot dogs and macaroni, or if you are struggling to get your kids involved in the decision making processes of your household, Amy is here to help. Amy lives by example and is proof of the power of intentionally designing your life and the power of true connection with your children. There are so many tools in the tool kit of naturopathic medi
073: How To Find Balance With Your Hormones w/ Fiona McCulloch
24/10/2019 Duration: 42minToday we are taking a deep dive into our hormones and how they impact our brain, emotions, and ways of thinking. Fiona McCulloch is a naturopathic doctor and founder of the White Lotus Clinic, servicing women with a vast array of hormonal conditions and helping them take control of their hormones and how they impact their daily life. As women, we naturally cycle through different levels of hormones, but it is up to us to understand how we can naturally navigate that and handle the stressful shifts in our cycles and our lives that can cause hormonal imbalances to come to the surface. When you are able to focus on increasing hormonal support to balance your mood, energy and physical symptoms, you can create a more resilient mentality to your changing hormones. Conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis and post-partum depression can all play a role in your ability to control your changing hormone levels, and Fiona is here to help you determine whether what you are experiencing is normal or a cause for concern. Lea
072: Setting Boundaries to Improve Personal & Business Relationships w/ Erin Matlock
17/10/2019 Duration: 45minBoundaries are a tricky subject for many of us, including yours truly. Setting them, keeping them and the implications on our health and wellbeing when we ignore our boundaries is something that many of us don't explore enough, which is exactly the focus of this episode. Erin Matlock is a speaker, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about suicide prevention and helping people understand the role they play in creating chaos in their own life. Boundaries can be everything from your tone of voice to your posture or your silence, and it is only by understanding your boundaries that you can start to set them from a place of confidence instead of insecurity. Communication and clarity are key when setting boundaries, and it takes a willingness to get through the discomfort of knowing someone may not like you to protect the standards of your own intuition. Instead of going back to a situation with liquid boundaries, learn how to set yourself up for success through realistic expectations and positive frequencie
071: Life Loves You: Unblock Your Joy and Heal w/ Udo Erasmus
10/10/2019 Duration: 46minUdo Erasmus is the legendary founder of Udo’s Choice supplement company, pioneer of flax seed oil, author and speaker who has inspired millions with his wisdom behind life's energy and every human's ability to be in harmony with nature and humanity. After a chaotic outer life as a child and poisoning through pesticides, Udo turned inwards for something to depend on. What he found was unconditional love from inside himself, the ability to regenerate and heal, and the importance of bringing his awareness back to his consciousness. Ultimately we come to this Earth for a specific time and only have a body for that time, so the best possible experience for a human being to have is to be fully present in all of their being and their surroundings, and not lost with ideas that interfere with fulfillment. Unconditional love is the love that life has for the body and when you are able to be deliberate about cultivating the inner presence instead of living from one reaction to the other you can feel whole again from
070: How To Thrive Despite Chronic Illness Naturally w/ Laura Neville
03/10/2019 Duration: 31minLaura Neville is a licensed naturopathic physician who was days away from death at the age of seven from an autoimmune disease. Although conventional medicine is what kept her alive, Laura believes that naturopathic medicine is what truly made her well, and she has since become dedicated to sharing the naturopathic treasures she used to her heal herself with the world. Everyone has the opportunity to heal without exception, and it is possible to change everything from your hormonal imbalances to fatigue in order to find a new zest for life. If you want to learn how to thrive despite your chronic illness, want to increase your energy or decrease your menopausal symptoms, Laura is here to help you embrace the warm hug of naturopathic medicine. Your energy and vitality are the greatest currency you have in this life, so why not make the most of it? When you are able to put yourself first physically, mentally and emotionally, you can create the reality for yourself that you have always dreamed of. How has naturo
069: From Hangry to Healthy; Balance Your Energy & Feel Amazing w/ Dr. Brooke Kalanick
29/09/2019 Duration: 42minWhen we under nourish ourselves it can wreak havoc on our hormones, energy levels, and overall happiness, which is why it is so important to take a holistic approach to heal your entire body. This is the concept behind Dr. Brooke Kalanick’s new book, Hangry: 5 Simple Steps to Balance Your Hormones and Restore Your Joy. We have all been hangry before, and Dr. Brooke has created a foolproof framework to help you get it all done while honoring yourself at the same time. A naturopathic and functional medicine doctor, Dr. Brooke works to help women reset their heads, hormones, and habits to feel at home in their bodies. Dr. Brooke is here to provide golden nuggets of information and help you make time and space to be who you are. Learn about the hormone hierarchy, how you can empower yourself to feel better in as little as one hour, and specific tools that you can adopt into your total body healing process today. The self-described ‘anti-guru’, Dr. Brooke is an advocate for taking care of yourself, being who you
068: Own Your Self - The Surprising Path To Heal Depression, Anxiety Without Pharmaceuticals w/ Kelly Brogan, M.D.
26/09/2019 Duration: 38minHolistic women’s health psychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling author and integrative therapist, Kelly Brogan, M.D., knows what it takes to overcome psychiatric symptoms and conditions. Kelly embraces a root-cause approach to psychiatric illness and helps her patients get out of the zombie-like state caused by pharmaceuticals and start finding hope and possibility through personal truths. Emotions, physical and chemical imbalance, nutrition, stress and more can all play a role in how your mind is functioning and how you make cognitive and behavioral decisions. When you are able to find a portal to your own personal power through natural ways of healing instead of pharmaceuticals, you can create new norms for your life or those you love. There is a much bigger version of the story than what conventional medicine leads you to believe, and it is only by being honest with the parts of yourself that you are scared to interact with that you can become aware of the mask you are wearing. How have psychiatric con
067: What is Love? Social Constructs, Biology, and Pure Magic w/ Carrie Jenkins
19/09/2019 Duration: 43minWhen it comes to love, the majority of us simultaneously feel as though we are experts and have no idea what we are doing. Carrie Jenkins is a writer and philosophy professor who explores the philosophy behind love and the impact of socially constructed romantic love. Love is a subjective experience, and it is only by combining the theories of love as biology, phenomenology, chemistry, and magic that we can begin to piece together the puzzle of this conscious experience. Instead of thinking of love as a winning or losing game, or something that you are failing at, Carrie argues that love is a deliberate act that anyone can be a part of. Instead of putting the fairytale of romantic love on a pedestal, Carrie works to open up the guidelines in which we treat love in all realms of our lives. By putting the same status on other relationships in our lives, not just that of romance, you can separate the connection between romance and attachment to find the version of love that best suits you right now. Combining
066: The Power Of Sleep & How To Conquer It w/ Dr. John Neustadt
12/09/2019 Duration: 53minSleep issues are common, they are everywhere, and almost every single person will face sleep challenges at some point in their life. This is why it is important to be aware of these issues, which is what Dr. John Neustadt is here to talk with us about today. A real expert in sleep, voted the best doctor among all physicians in the Best of Bozeman survey, having published over 100 research reviews and known as a top 10 cited author by Elsevier, John is the go-to doctor for all things sleep and its important role in healing. John is here to shine a light on common sleep disorders such as transient insomnia, restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea, distinguish between quality versus quantity of sleep, and provide natural ways to support yourself falling asleep or staying asleep. Find out how much sleep you really need, how to avoid social jet lag and the number one determinant of good sleep. Sleep is a major player in our health, well being, hormonal function, and everything in between. It is only by understand
065: How To Heal Physical Symptoms Using The Power Of The Mind & Emotions w/ Dr. Brandy Gillmore
05/09/2019 Duration: 46minAfter seven years of suffering from chronic nerve pain that left her bedridden, Dr. Brandy Gillmore decided to stop listening to the doctors saying ‘there was nothing that could be done’ and take her healing measures into her own hands. Fascinated by the power of placebo, and eventually finding true physical healing through mental stimulation, Dr. Gillmore has been on the path to sharing this knowledge with others ever since. We all know that emotions can influence the physical body, like when you are scared to death or too anxious to talk, but Dr. Gillmore has taken this phenomenon and harnessed it into the ability to heal your physical symptoms using only the power of your mind and emotions. Like any problem she experienced in network engineering, Dr. Gillmore decided to break her problems down into their simplest forms and find powerful yet easy ways to help the body solely with the power of the mind. When you are able to release your chronic pain through means of the mind, you can stop blocking love and s
064: Music as Medicine: Healing Frequencies w/ Michael Tyrrell
29/08/2019 Duration: 52minHarmonic frequency impacts everything from how light, color, sound, hue, thought, word, music, and intention vibrate. It is part of the world around us, yet so many of us do not understand the powerful impact that frequency has on our daily lives. After a life-changing trip to Jerusalem, Michael Tyrrell was confronted with his true calling in life and has since created Wholetones, to express the healing ability of sound by the way of music. Michael believes that his contribution to the optimum life ‘toolbox’ is mixing music with frequencies to help make peoples lives better while getting them to relax, eat, sleep and stop getting so stressed out. Join us as we explore the important tool from nature that is music and tonal vibrations to understand the power of frequency. Michael is here to help you embrace the spontaneous and get out of God’s way so that you can improve your intracellular and intercellular communication and vibration. What role does sound, vibration and frequency play in your life? What new w
063: Why Wellness Can Be A Family Affair w/ Katie Wells
22/08/2019 Duration: 41minMoms are some of the busiest, most overwhelmed people on the planet, but they also have the ability to change a culture from the building blocks. As a mom of six with a background in journalism, Katie Wells realized the innate power moms have in the world and started on her journey to stop our kids from ever having to face the health challenges so prevalent in the world today. Katie started her website, Wellness Mama, as a way to provide simple answers to helping families get healthier. An award-winning blogger, author, and podcaster, Katie is an expert in helping busy moms and families embrace the power of natural healing. If you are the caretaker of your family or looking for tips to get well on a budget, Katie is the lady for you. We are on a mission to change the statistics, stop comparing ourselves to others and remove the guilt around parenting. When you are able to feel the fear and do it anyway, you can stop measuring yourself by your achievements and start embracing all of the things that make you.