Tech Talk

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Join the Tech Talk guys (Kevin, Pete, and Jeff) every week as they cover technology stories in the news that pique their interest. Be ready to hear them rant and rave about how much they hate the RIAA, MPAA, and look for a little Sony bashing here and there. All in all, get ready to have a good time listening to tech news. You dont have to be a geek to listen to our show, but be careful: you may become one...


  • Show #56


    May 29th, 2008 - It's the original Tech Talk crew in the hizzy. Jeff, Kevin, and Pete tear up the Tech News scene with our off the cuff analysis of the latest stories. Okay, we get a little (or a lot) silly in the second half of the show, but I'm sure you'll laugh at our antics. This week we discuss a free internet service with strings attached, why you shouldn't go to theme parks in England, crazy Apple fanbois, why we hate the MPAA, the best place not to buy a Zune, crazy New Mexicans, and much more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: FCC wants free broadband service, plus content filtering UK theme park bans PDAs, mandates family fun time iPhone line forms at Apple's flagship for absolutely no reason Linking to movies leads to $4 million in fines GameStop to Stop Zune Sales Ready-made Apple TV hack should help non-geeks play DivX New Mexico group tries to ban Wi-Fi Court Finds Dell Guilty of Fraud Mozilla “Download Day” Microsoft Unveils Multi-Touch

  • Show #55


    May 22nd, 2008 - This is another Jeff and Kevin show, but you like those ones, right? Who would have thought that an engineer and a mathematician would have so much trouble doing a little bit of simple dividing? Not us... This week we discuss the lameness of Media Center, the crazy buying of both Ars Technica and Cnet, the insane trouncing by the Wii in April, Best Buy's audacity, A Jack Thompson shaming, and that's not all! You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Microsoft, Yahoo forced into each others' arms American Gladiators vanquished by optional broadcast flag Breaking: CBS To Acquire CNET For $1.8 Billion Ars Technica acquired by Condé Nast: the low-down Nintendo Wii outsells 360, PS3, PS2, PSP combined in April Best Buy: FCC has no power to fine us over analog TVs Judge's report in Jack Thompson case: guilty on 27 charges NetFlix: First Netflix Streaming Box Review, $100 and Unlimited Downloads! Office 2007 to gain native ODF support early next yea

  • Show #54


    May 14th, 2008 - Show Fifty-Four has been recorded a day early so that Kevin can go the Jonathan Coulton concert on Thursday night. If you live in the Phoenix area, you should go as well to the Brickhouse in downtown Phoenix. The whole crew is here tonight; however, as always, Kevin and Jeff dominate the conversation. This week we discuss some new games coming out next week, the WiiWare launch, Guitar Hero IV, our retarded representatives, the truth behind violent video games, the Air Force wants to create a botnet, Universal Music's hypocrisy, and more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: New Games Next Week Wii Ware Launches at Nintendo First Guitar Hero IV Details Shed House overwhelmingly passes controversial PRO-IP Act Charter To Begin Tracking Users' Searches And Inserting Targeted Ads Air Force Colonel Wants to Build a Military Botnet Video games don’t turn children into blood-thirsty killers Google begins blurring faces in Street View Older DVR

  • Show #53


    May 8th, 2008 - Jeff and Kevin are in the hizouse and bring you a show stock full of stuttering, manly giggling, and at least one mention of machismo as it relates to bandwidth usage. This week we talk about the new Nintendo Channel on the Wii, the release of AVG Free 8, Microsoft's white flag, Blizzard's shunning of Steam, the real story when it comes to forbidden media, pedophiles on Wikipedia? and much more. In the end, the one thing you should take away from this show is that you need to go watch Iron Man in the theater. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Nintendo Channel at Nintendo AVG Free Anti-Virus 8 Microsoft says proxy battle not worth it Blizzard Opens Digital Download Store Undercover Shoppers Find it’s Increasingly Difficult for Children to Buy M-Rated Games Activision/Blizzard leaves, still hopes to profit from ESA FBI investigates 'Wikipedophilia' Controversial Pro-IP Act sails through Judiciary Committee Apple losing money in new movie

  • Show #52


    May 1st, 2008 - Tech Talk is back online with another episode of tech news. Kevin, Pete and Chris (no Jeff this week) join you to escort you through what interesting things have been going on in the tech world. This week we discuss recent video game releases, XP and Vista sales, video game thiefs, a Canadian iPhone, SP3 for XP, Guitar Hero on the internet, the latest on the Microsoft Yahoo fiasco, and much more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories:. Shenanigans: Dell to Sell XP after June 30, Microsoft to Pretend They're Selling Vista to Save Face Rural Albert Lea man accused of video game scam iPhone coming to Canada Microsoft releases the long-anticipated Windows XP SP3 Blu-ray: The Future Has Been Delayed Guitar Hero embeddable widget hits web Mexican attaché attempts to make off with White House BlackBerrys Microsoft Raises Yahoo Offer To $32-$33 Through WSJ; YHOO Wants $37 iTunes Store gets same-day DVD releases An elephant never forgets? George W.

  • Show #51


    April 24th, 2008 - The original Tech Talk crew is here to deliver a solid show chock full of tech news. Jeff, Kevin and Pete all bring you the latest and greatest in the technology world. This week we discuss the end of the internet in 2010, Skype changes nothing, the Xbox is on fire (literally), Zune doing something we don't care about, Sony doing something we don't care about, Comcast smack down, Yahoo ultimatum, Netflix jerkery, illegal search and seizure, and more. This week our opening song is Legend of Zelda Dirty OC Remix courtesy of HouseMasta. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: After complaints, Apple tweaks Software Update for Safari AT&T: Internet to hit full capacity by 2010 Skype offers unlimited long-distance plan Xbox 360 burns house down Zune getting Audible FCC's Martin: Comcast Blocking Was Widespread Sony to delay Home online service for PS3 again Big week in Microsoft-Yahoo battle Netflix CEO: Will charge 'premium' for Blu-ray

  • Show #50


    April 17th, 2008 - Tech Talk has been putting shows out for a year now, and since this was our 50th show that means we've only missed two weeks, right? It seems like we have missed more shows that that ;-). We start off this show as always by discussing what's been going on with in the last week. Only Kevin has anything interesting to add as he was in Boston for the first part of this week. For our anniversary we talk about tech news stories! This week we discuss Blockbusters odd attempt to buy Circuit City, the real culprits behind the undersea cable cuts, Oklahoma's ineptitude, NBC's attempt to get their content back on iTunes, parents selling game consoles, and much more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Blockbuster bids over $1 billion for Circuit City Satellites pin blame for undersea cable cuts on cargo ships The Wifi Predator Assassin's Creed on the PC: bad UI, bad DRM, bad port Oklahoma Leaks Tens of Thousands of Social Security Numbers, Oth

  • Show #49


    April 10th, 2008 - It felt like such a slow news week, but we were able to dig up some interesting things to talk about. Kevin, Jeff, Pete, and Chris are all present at this show and we even have a surprise guest at the end of the show: Senator Ted Stevens. Pete is back with his brand new headset, and if his voice sounds like pure pwnage it's because he's using the fatal1ty headset. This week we discuss the Rick Rolling of the New York Mets, DRM free, Internet safety vs sex education, Strong Bad coming to the Wii, and much more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: All your baseball are belong to Rick Astley Verizon's spectrum plans: Speedier wireless broadband Wal-Mart Going Hardline on DRM-Free Online Music Store Virginia 1st state to require Internet safety lessons Yahoo's new, bold anti-Microsoft plan: clusterfoooock! Episodic 'Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People' coming in June Upstart Gamer Doc to take on GameStop with themed

  • Show #48


    April 3rd, 2008 - Tech Talk strikes again with excellent tech news coverage and witty insight. This show features Chris, Jeff, and Kevin. Pete decided to fry his USB headset this evening, so we had to do the show without him. We discuss what's been going on in our techy lives and then of course go straight into our news stories. This week we converse about Sony getting a taste of their own medicine, Creative's folly, internet in the friendly skies, really expensive internet service, some shocking news about iTunes, Microsoft Surface finally surfaces, and even more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez Creative irate after modder spruces up Vista X-Fi drivers TorrentSpy's closure a win for MPAA; war far from over Adobe joins list of companies not reading own EULAs FAA clears in-flight WiFi for takeoff on American Airlines Comcast launches 50Mbps broadband... for $150 per month Microsoft Surface launchi

  • Show #47


    March 27th, 2008 - Heya folks. This is going to be a weird show. Skype just did not want to behave on the evening we were recording, so sound quality is not the best on this show. Not only that, but some of the hosts seemed to be off doing other stuff while we were recording... We try to still deliver a solid show through all of these distractions and Talk about Tech. We discuss some underhandedness by Apple, the XM/Sirius merger and crazy demands from Clear Channel, Comcast and BitTorrent shaking hands, and much more more than you bargained for. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Mozilla CEO Objects To Safari Auto Install XM / Sirius merger approved! Clear Channel wants the FCC to force XM / Sirius to obey indecency laws Photoshop Express now free and online A New Tool From Google Alarms Sites Comcast-BitTorrent pact not a substitute for net neutrality WoW bot maker sued after home visit from Vivendi attorney Grandma, grandpa get owned by Illino

  • Show #46


    March 20th, 2008 - Kevin and Jeff, the REAL Tech Guys, join you once again to deliver the latest and greatest in tech news. As always this show is covered in very thick opinion, and Kevin is getting more and more lenient on what is considered a "curse" word. When it comes down to it, we just hope that we are entertaining. This week we cover the MPAA up down left and right, a bit of the music industry as well, the passing of Sir Arthur C. Clark, Apple rumors, Vista Service Pack 1, and the Coup de gras: copy protection on your DVR... We cover even more stories and we are full of tangents as usual. Be sure to listen to the end for Kevin and Jeff's picks of the week. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: MPAA to Congress: Filtering is in colleges’ best interests Atari, Inc. Logs On to Steam Verizon, AT&T Big Winners In 700 MHz Auction comScore Releases February 2008 U.S. Search Engine Rankings Sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke is dead Apple could split devi

  • Show #45


    March 13th, 2008 - This show was not meant to be, but we made it happen anyway. Jeff and Kevin bring you a show full of frustration and sleepiness in a very uplifting and entertaining manner. We cover the gems of tech news from the last week including dumb MobiTV lawyers, Hulu hooping for TV, AOL still exists and apparently has money, Lionsgate releases crippled portable movies, Intel is innovating in more ways than one, and Blu-ray on the 360: will it happen? Listen to the show for details on these stories and others. And be sure to listen to Kevin and Jeff's picks at the end of the show. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: MobiTV taking legal action against HowardForums Hulu Opens Up on Wednesday Lawmaker's attempt to criminalize anonymous posting doomed AOL buys social network Bebo for $850 million Lionsgate adding iTunes Digital Copy to some DVDs Intel Nettop is all about cost cutting Intel: 160GB solid state drives will be unveiled soon MPAA boss:

  • Show #44


    March 6th, 2008 - No audio problems this week, so if the show sucks we have no one to blame but ourselves. The show starts off with our typical around the room introduction and Kevin drops some big news about a new computer acquisition. We discuss new NIN news, the iPhone SDK, Microsoft's price drops, Bill Gates gets punchy, and more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Releases next week: SSB: Brawl (3/9/08), Stargate: The Ark of Truth (3/11/08) Google Calendar now syncs with Outlook Nine Inch Nails uploads new album on Torrent sites Gary Gygax, Dungeons & Dragons creator, dies Live from Apple's iPhone SDK press conference Wii outsells the PS3 4-to-1 in Japan, Sony execs "not psyched" Microsoft chops Vista retail prices Sanity prevails: IE8 will default to standard-compliant mode MacBook Air aflutter: demand stays strong, sold out often Gates to Google: 'Your business applications stink' Experiments: Do Coat Hangers Sound As Good As Monster Cables

  • Show #43


    February 28th, 2008 - Unlucky number 43. We are recording a week late, Kevin messes up the levels at the beginning of the show, and Skype just would not cooperate. Despite these issues, we soldier on and bring you a fresh serving of tech news. We discuss the death of HD DVD, Pakistan stealing YouTube, a $1500 keyboard, EA taking on Take Two and more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: It's official: Toshiba announces HD DVD surrender Insecure routing redirects YouTube to Pakistan Creation of PC Gaming Alliance leaves unanswered questions 'Optimus Maximus' keyboard finally shipping Amazon hopes to chill Steam with game downloads EA's $2 billion bid for Take Two Comcast, net neutrality advocates clash at FCC hearing Comcast Blocking: First the Internet — Now the Public Music exec: "Music 1.0 is dead." Leaked RIAA Training Video: Find Pirates, Find Crack-Dealing Terrorist Murderers Too! Tech Support Companies Tested Weekly Picks: Pete: Call of Duty 4 J

  • Show #42


    February 13th, 2008 - The answer to life, the universe, and everything lies in this podcast. Well, maybe not really, but it's full of technology news and immaturity. We discuss the latest news in the Microsoft-Yahoo scenario, Microsoft buying a cellphone maker on a whim, free Zunes, Netflix, lawsuits, and more. At one point or another, the whole crew is on this episode. As always, much fun is had. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Microsoft's Offer to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion turned down Microsoft to buy phone maker Danger Microsoft says "sorry" with free Valentine's Zune 80 players Netflix picks Blu-ray, good luck renting an HD DVD soon Best Buy kicks HD DVD while it's down Victim: $54 million Best Buy lawsuit stupid, but necessary Samsung sued over "defective" first-gen Blu-ray players Starbucks: Forget T-Mobile, get (free) WiFi with AT&T Spore finally evolves to retail Sept 7, 2008 Patent examiners voice opposition to Patent Reform Act R

  • Show #41


    February 7th, 2008 - When it comes to tech, we've got you covered. This weeks show starts off with the vocal talent of Kevin, Jeff, and Chris, and finishes with the whole crew. Kevin's been drinking left-over Super Bowl beer, see if you can spot the slur in his voice. We discuss the latest and greatest in tech news including Microsoft's attempted takeover of Yahoo, two RIAA stories, two patent stories, an update on the FCC 700MHZ auction, and more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Microsoft Offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion MediaSentry role in RIAA lawsuit comes under scrutiny EFF's patent busters take on broad multiplayer gaming patent Vista SP1 released to manufacturing USPTO asked to reexamine broad image patent More on submarine cables Percentage of M-rated titles halved since 2005. What gives? FCC-backed public safety network stalled at auction RIAA boss: Move copyright filtering from ISPs to users’ PCs In '08 presidential race, who's the m

  • Show #40


    January 31st, 2008 - The show must go on... Pete and Kevin bring the tech news this week. Jeff is under the weather, so let us know if you would like to go in on fruit basket to make him feel better. We discuss the latest and greatest in tech news including our crazy of the week: Paul McGuinness of U2 fame. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: First benchmarks: MacBook Air is the slowest Apple machine on the block Consumers, analysts, retailers give HD DVD the cold shoulder NPD: Sky Isn't Falling for HD-DVD, Blu-ray Isn't Champ Yet Mole: 80GB PS3 dead, 120-160GB with Dual Shock 3 incoming Employee's silent rampage wipes out $2.5m worth of data Open access for all: prime 700MHz Block C hits reserve price Microsoft: Vista has fewer first-year vulnerabilities than any modern OS U2 manager calls Safe Harbor a "Thieves' Charter" to Acquire Yahoo CAPTCHA Hacked Submarine cable cut torpedoes Middle East access Nyko reveals cord-free ad

  • Show #39


    January 24th, 2008 - The silly is on full throttle this week. As always, we start off by talking about what we have been doing in the last week. Our story lineup this week includes NBC and iTunes getting jiggy wit it, controlling other consoles with the Wii remote, a horrible internet pricing scheme, Le Amazon gets fined, 10 million WoW subscribers, and more! You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: NBC's Zucker hints at return to iTunes? Wii remote and xbox360 Time Warner Links Web Prices With Usage Amazon's free shipping costing €1,000 per day in France US video games sales hit record TiVo Finally Launches On Comcast As A Software Upgrade HBO Joins the Movie Download Derby MPAA admits mistake on downloading study WoW Hits The Big 1-0 Use Your DS As An Interactive DisneyWorld Tour Guide Weekly Picks: Pete: TrackMania Nations Jeff: Kevin: Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #38


    January 16th, 2008 - I am pretty sure that at an hour and twenty minutes long that this is our longest show ever. But that is good news, right? You get 1.3 hours of excellent content from the Tech Guys Jeff and Kevin, and we get to talk about what we love. The Macworld Expo was on Tuesday, so we spend some time talking about the latest announcements. Jeff also has a story about why he is going to be playing a bit less on this 360 for some time to come. As always we cover the latest shenanigans that the RIAA has been up to, the delay of a video game we were all anticipating, more on HD DVD vs Blu-ray, and more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Breaking: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Officially Delayed Apple announces MacBook Air, HD movie rentals, Apple TV 2.0 at Macworld keynote Sysadmin tries, fails at being l337 hax0r, gets jail time Amazon rounds out DRM-free music offering with Sony BMG The RIAA speaks--and it gets worse HD DVD fires back, slashes har

  • Show #37


    January 10th, 2008 - We took a bit of a break, but now we're back with the first episode of Tech Talk for 2008! Jeff, Kevin, and Pete bring you the latest in what's been going on in their geeky lives, as well as the latest in tech news. We have a lot of good stories this week. The High Definition format war may finally be over, but we're not happy with who's still standing. We discuss what's new in the music industry and try and find out why they hate their customers so much. Trent Reznor released the financial information from his latest online music venture and we're confused as to why he's so upset. Listen to the show for all the details. - Show Notes - News Stories: Piracy, Morals and The Need for Change Paramount in HD DVD blow / Universal HD DVD exclusivity contract has expired, sits non-renewed Xbox Live outage: day 11, "up and running", except not WeGame Launches As YouTube For Gamers FCC to investigate Comcast BitTorrent blocking TV Converter Program Website RIAA writes its own "news" for local TV

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