Tech Talk

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Join the Tech Talk guys (Kevin, Pete, and Jeff) every week as they cover technology stories in the news that pique their interest. Be ready to hear them rant and rave about how much they hate the RIAA, MPAA, and look for a little Sony bashing here and there. All in all, get ready to have a good time listening to tech news. You dont have to be a geek to listen to our show, but be careful: you may become one...


  • Show #36


    December 20th, 2007 - This week we start off with Kevin, Jeff, and Chris and end with Jeff and Kevin. It's the end of the year and everyone is posting their "best" and "worst" of 2007 lists. PC World does one on the biggest tech disappointments and we pick through it to agree with them when they are right and disagree when they are wrong. This takes up a big chunk of the show, but we still have time to wax on about some Wii announcements and other news stories. - Show Notes - News Stories: PC World - The 15 Biggest Tech Disappointments of 2007 Blizzard Confirms 'Unannounced Next-Gen MMO' Hotpatching makes welcome appearance in Vista SP1 RC November game sales up 52% versus 2006, Nintendo rules the roost (NPD Group) Wii to eventually get voice support, hints Fils-Aime Nintendo To Offer Wii 'Rainchecks' for Out-of-Stock Consoles Sony Chairman Howard Stringer: PS3 games 'infinitely more fun' than Wii Nintendo is against forced Wii bundles $8,000-per-gallon printer ink leads to antitrust lawsuit Weekly Picks:

  • Show #35


    December 13th, 2007 - It's been a slow news week, and it shows... We soldier on and maintain to entertain. The whole crew is here, Pete, Kevin, Jeff, and Chris. Although, Pete and Chris appear to be napping for half of the show. We cover the latest in copy protection lawsuits and crazy Representatives, AMD's struggle to keep their head above the water, CompUSA dies and no one sheds a tear, more crazyness from Microsoft, and more. Also, male camel toe (I've said too much...) You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: RIAA: Those CD rips of yours are still "unauthorized" Congressman Hollywood: It's time to revisit the DMCA CompUSA closes shop AMD's Barcelona, Phenom suffer early setbacks Judge: eBay can use "Buy It Now," still owes $30 million PlayForSure becomes "Certified for Windows Vista" 63 percent of US population now plays video games, says report GAO blasts government "planning" for digital TV transition Opera tries to force IE into W3C compliance wit

  • Show #34


    December 5th, 2007 - It's the Pete and Kevin show! This is a first with only the two of us, and we make the best of it. Luckily, there weren't any stories about Linux or Windows... We discuss the Activision/Vivendi merger, Google's plans for the 700MHz band, more retardedness from the MPAA, and much more. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: Gaming monolith birthed with merger of Activision and Blizzard Really, truly official: Google to bid on 700MHz spectrum MPAA head: Content filtering is in ISPs' best interests Games damaging kids ability to read Google Reveals 2008 Plans For Google Apps Wireless keyboard encryption easily broken, say researchers The GameSpot controversy as a window into the world of gaming journalism Amazon and Wal-Mart unwittingly team up against DRM Comcast slapped: FCC places limits on cable giant’s market share Weekly Picks: Pete: Call of Duty 4 Kevin: GameTap Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #33


    November 29th, 2007 - A full house once again: Chris, Jeff, Kevin, and Pete. We spend a lot of time talking about what we've been doing since we last talked. Kevin's been busy setting up the new Tech Bytes podcast. Pete's all about the Call of Duty 4, and Jeff has been playing Assasin's Creed and Mass Effect. Chris is still playing the baby card... You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: NIN " Copyright Fun" Soldier Uses Wii to Catch Wife Doing Up, Down, Left, Right, A-B-A-B With Another Man Spinpoint F1: Samsung Overtakes With a Bang Mark Cuban to ISPs: block all P2P traffic; Ars to Cuban: um, no You can't always judge an eBook by its cover (Amazon Kindle) IBM patent could pause your DVD movie for "a word from our sponsors" Nintendo Says It's Not Limiting Wii Supply Judge tells record labels to cough up download expenses Microsoft inches closer to XP update Mozilla's Firefox 3 beta Weekly Picks: Pete: AMD Spider & Call of Duty 4 Jeff: Assassin's Cr

  • Show #32


    November 15th, 2007 - It's just Jeff and Kevin this week, but what we lack in numbers we make up for in gusto (and Guitar Hero III talk). We discuss what's been going on the past week, and of course we cover the latest tech news. We had some good stories this week, but the highlight of the show would have to be the two rants. We rant about Higher Education Bill 494, and a story about Canadian piracy launches us into a rant about the music industry. Not only do we rant about the music industry, but we solve all the problems with it as well. Listen for the whole story, and a business plan that's solid gold. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: DivX support coming to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 support in the works Microsoft's Musiwave acquisition could lead to Zune wireless music store RIAA: Jammie Thomas has "no basis" to complain about damage award Get your own XO laptop: OLPC Give 1 Get 1 project underway Xbox 360 passes PS3 on Japan sales chart on strengt

  • Show #31


    November 8th, 2007 - We've got Pete for half the show this time. I suppose he's easing back into his hosting role. Both Kevin and Jeff picked up Guitar Hero III, listen in to see what they think. Chris has still been playing the baby game so he hasn't had much time for your standard everyday fun. Our news topics this week are a little hot around the collar. We (Kevin) get riled up by the antics of Prince, the MLB, and Blu-ray. All the steamy details are inside. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: Saul Williams - The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! Girl said 'like' too many times... So I jammed her cell phone CinemaNow to get CSS-enabled DVD burning, but you'll need new hardware It's official: Google announces open-source mobile phone OS, Android Updated!! THE OFFICE Is Closed!! Google goes after Facebook with new OpenSocial social networking API 'Time' names iPhone 'invention of the year' Apple Tablet PC is real, says Asus 90,000 HD D

  • Show #30: Wireless Security


    November 1st, 2007 - Our thirtieth show, that seems like a lot... This is also the first episode of Tech Talk with 100% less Pete. He has a cold and is overall feeling under the weather. But that didn't phase us, oh no, we tread on. In fact, this show contains a great nugget of information within our tech news stories. Kevin goes over the benefits of wireless network security and why you should secure your network. We also may finally have a winner in the HD home video wars, only time will tell though. For more details, listen to the show. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - We spend some time in today's show talking about wireless security. Protect yourself! News Stories: Congressman to Comcast: Stop interfering with BitTorrent AT&T Asks CA Wildfire Victims If They Remembered To Pick Up Satellite Receiver As They Fled Their Burning House / Or Not… Senate approves extension of Internet tax ban The sub-$200 HD DVD player arrives ($98 at Walmart tomorrow?) Nvidia'

  • Show #29


    October 25th, 2007 - We are joined once again by Chris and for the first half of the show you can thank him for the static. Since the last show, Jeff has bought some DVDs, Pete has been sick, and Chris sees rainbows on his TV. Top news stories this week include an updated Windows already in the works, hate for Comcast, curiosity for China, problems with Vista, and more stupidity from NBC. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - News Stories: Real quick: $400 PS3 not backwards compatible Core of "Windows 7" taking shape: meet the "MinWin" kernel How To Bypass Comcast’s BitTorrent Throttling Comcast traffic blocking: even more apps, groupware clients affected Mythbuntu (Knoppmyth, Cecil Interview) US panel endorses bill to stop online repression Microsoft Blames Hollywood for Record Halo 3 Sales WARNING: device driver updates causing Vista to deactivate Hands-on with Gmail's new IMAP support NBC's YouTube Channel Goes M.I.A Jailed terror student 'hid' files in the wrong

  • Show #28


    October 17th, 2007 - We're back with another episode of Tech Talk. For the first time, we have a guest on this show: Chris from Idaho. Pete and Chris served together in Uzbekistan and until about a year or so ago Chris lived in the Phoenix area. We discuss what's been going on with us since the last show. Pete and Kevin have been sinking much time with The Orange Box and Chris has been playing The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass. Pete also has a rant about Java. Jeff is tempted to get The Orange Box and would definitely buy the PC version over the Xbox 360 version. Jeff speaks of his love for Puzzle Quest on Xbox Live Arcade. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - We tried a different format for the news stories this week and assuming we don't get any negative feedback we will continue in this format. News Stories: Hard times for hard drives: US may ban popular imports How to track the original location of an email via its IP address DRM is Killing the PC Gami

  • Show #27


    October 11th, 2007 - We've gone off the air and are now broadcasting over this strange new technology called the internet. Of course, if you've already been listening to the podcast version of our show this means very little to you. The professionalism is gone, so get ready for the background interference while we discuss our tech stories. Speaking of technology news stories, we cover quite a bit in this episode. Listen to why Pete hated ubuntu, did Jammie get a fair trial?, good and bad Wii news, and the FCC does something right. Listen, learn, and maybe laugh. It's okay, we won't tell anyone else you're a geek. You can provide feedback to the show by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #26


    October 6th, 2007 - It's our last episode on the radio station. But never fear! We are going to continue recording and releasing our show in podcast format. This means for now we will no longer be able to take phone calls, but continue to look to Tech Talk for your weekly does of tech stories we find interesting. This week we spend lots of time discussing the recent RIAA case that went to trial, including a great rant from Kevin. We also go over some Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo news. As always we have our weekly website, software, and hardware picks. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #25


    September 29th, 2007- It's yet another show full of Technology News. We discuss the new iPhone firmware update, potential flip-flop in the FCC, scratched game discs, Vonage Vs Verizon, headless computers, and an angry video professor. As always we have our weekly website, software, and hardware picks. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #24.5


    September 27th, 2007- This is a podcast-only episode. That means that if you are listening to it, you are special and we offically give you a symbolic cookie and a hug. You could probably safely call this the no-pants episode. We are unscripted and just having fun talking about stuff that interests us. We are also discussing news stories that we didn't have time to cover during our last episode. So, if you like Tech Talk for our witty banter, you'll love this episode. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #24


    September 22nd, 2007- Join the Tech Guys Jeff, Kevin, and Pete as they discuss the latest tech news while answering listener's technology questions. Stories covered include the exposure of Media Defender's underhanded tactics, The importance of net neutrality, and more about Sony's failures. Do you want to know how to download videos off of YouTube? Listen to the show to find out how. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Jeff's secret program for ripping YouTube videos: aTube Catcher Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #23


    September 15th, 2007- Another fun show with the Tech Talk crew. We spend a lot of time discussing our views on the goings on in the tech world. No phone calls this week, but we make up for it in hilarity. Topics include lots of crazy lawsuits, Google looking to conquer the moon, motorcycle accidents, Sun going to the dark side and much more. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #22


    September 8th, 2007- We are back live and it's a good thing. We take lots of listener calls this week and don't have much time for our news stories. That's fine, though. We love to help out our listeners, so keep the calls coming. As an added bonus, we may end up releasing a podcast in the middle of the week to cover the stories we didn't have time to during this show. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #21


    September 1st, 2007- This is a pre-recorded show, so no call-ins this week. As a result, we have lots of time to talk about tech stories and get on rants and side stories. We take it easy and have lots of fun, and if you are looking for a good time with technology you'll like this episode. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #20


    August 25th, 2007- Show 20 is full of more Tech Talk "goodness." We discuss some breaking news concerning Windows authentications, what caused Skype to go down last week, the unlocking of the iPhone, and more. As always, we take listener calls and help them to the best of our abilities. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #19


    August 18th, 2007- Join Pete, Jeff, and Kevin on another fun-filled Tech Talk with 5 to 9 Computer Services. We discuss the recent findings that Comcast is packet shaping to the detriment of bit-torrent and bridge the discussion to network neutrality. Pete laments the death of free national broadband before it even had a chance, and Jeff tells us all why he was wise when he bought an Xbox 360 with a hard drive. We also take a couple listener phone calls. You can provide feedback to the show during the week by calling 206-888-2728. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

  • Show #18


    August 11th, 2007- The first few minutes of this show are missing, sorry about that guys. All you really miss is us introducing ourselves, and Kevin rambling on a bit. As always we spend our time discussing top tech news while taking listener's calls. Topics of interest in this show include the recent new software and hardware products from Apple, Xbox 360 price drops, good old censorship, and much more. - Show Notes - Coming Soon Direct MP3 Download iTunes Subscription RSS Feed

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