Bulletproof Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1248:40:18
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Bulletproof Executive Radio was born out of a fifteen-year single-minded crusade to upgrade the human being using every available technology. It distills the knowledge of world-class MDs, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists, meditation experts, and more than $1M spent on personal self-experiments. From private brain EEG facilities hidden in a Canadian forest to remote monasteries in Tibet, from Silicon Valley to the Andes, high tech entrepreneur Dave Asprey used hacking techniques and tried everything himself, obsessively focused on discovering: What are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything? Welcome to being Bulletproof, the State of High Performance where you take control and improve your biochemistry, your body, and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what youd expect, without burning out, getting sick, or just acting like a stressed-out a-hole. It used to take a lifetime to radically rewire the human body and mind this way. Technology has changed the rules. Follow along as Dave Asprey and guests provide you with everything you need to upgrade your mind, body, and life.


  • You Are Enough! Find Your Authentic State with Panache Desai and Dave Asprey : 692

    24/04/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’m welcoming a guest who has a unique power of insight and a gift of energetic transformation. Panache Desai helps people to “be enough” and break free from suffering and limitation on every level. He helps foster a deeper understanding of who they are, and guides them into greater states of connection, collaboration, and love.“When you're authentically being yourself, you are peaceful,” he says. “When you're tapped into that enlightened consciousness that you are, you are peaceful. This is how you know you are connected to you.”He's has been interviewed by Oprah Winfrey on her wildly popular SuperSoul Sunday show. He’s also collaborated alongside Deepak Chopra, and steps in for Rev. Michael Beckwith at the Agape International Spiritual Center.In his new book, You Are Enough: Revealing the Soul to Discover Your Power, Potential, and Possibility, he offers a persuasive and powerful approach to meet the challenges of the modern moment and heal the fractured self it pr

  • Ozone Therapy: Strengthen Your Immunity and Combat Viruses - Dave Asprey Talks with Dr. Frank Shallenberger : 691

    23/04/2020 Duration: 53min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dr. Frank Shallenberger returns to the show with step-by-step ways to boost your innate immune system and keep viruses at bay. “You'll never get over any kind of infection if you don't have an immune system to eventually take charge,” he says.Dr. Shallenberger has been a practicing physician for nearly 50 years, both in the fields of conventional medicine and alternative/homeopathic/integrative medicine. He’s revolutionized the practice of anti-aging and preventive medicine by developing a patented method to measure mitochondrial function, metabolism, and oxygen utilization. He’s also someone who knows more than you might expect on how viruses operate inside the body and what you can do about almost any virus in the body. He offers up a unique protocol that includes Vitamins A, C and D, zinc, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, and ozone. “One of the things I love most about ozone is that it complements everything,” he says. Considered the leading expert of medical ozo

  • Covid-19 Turns Inflammation from Protective to Predatory – Dave Asprey with Dr. David Liepert : 690

    21/04/2020 Duration: 01h01s

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I get into inflammatory responses and the lessons pain teaches us with my guest, Dr. David Liepert. “COVID is doing damage by overwhelming us and causing uncontrolled inflammation,” he says. “The inflammatory response to COVID is actually somewhat protective. The question is, at what point does it become counter-protective, or even counterproductive, or even producing injury? The same thing is true systemically, that, for instance, social distancing and quarantine are kind of a social form of inflammation.”“Basically, uncontrolled inflammation is another way to think of a cytokine storm,” he says. “Cytokines are meant to be the solution, but uncontrolled, they literally become the thing that's killing us, rather than helping us get better.”Dr. Liepert a physician with a broad range of expertise in critical care, specialty anesthesiology, and quality improvement and assessment programs within Canada’s healthcare system. He’s dedicated much of his professional work to

  • A Five-Step Formula to Make Money and a Difference – Lisa Sasevich : 689

    17/04/2020 Duration: 56min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we’re changing up the pace and pausing the coronavirus hustle and flow. I’m going to ask that you take a breath, look around your shelter-in-place environment and really see what matters most to you.Ask yourself, “What if I could feel like I'm making a difference all the time and be paid for that?” My guest Lisa Sasevich believes that inside of every one of us is a feeling that just won’t go away—an internal knowing that we are “meant for more.” She had that feeling and used it to propel herself into a life of abundance and contribution. She went from being fired from her dream job the night before Christmas Eve, to building a home-based business that generated over $40 million dollars in sales.You may have some unexpected downtime right now, or be grappling with new family, work and financial realities during this coronavirus pandemic. Lisa’s going to present you with tools you can use and steps you can take right now to discover and own your unique value. She’

  • Part 2-Ripple Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic That We’re Ignoring: DNA Impacts with Mansoor Mohammed, Ph.D. : 688

    16/04/2020 Duration: 51min

    This episode of Bulletproof Radio is part two of a special two-part series. (Catch part one here.) There was a lot to discuss about Covid-19 with Mansoor Mohammed, Ph.D., president and chief scientific officer of The DNA Company. He’s widely regarded as a pioneer in medical genomics.In part two, we talk about specific genes that make you prone to exaggerated inflammatory viral responses and respiratory problems. The DNA Company actually knows this. In fact, Mansoor and I had a conversation about this long before Covid-19 existed. We again get scienc-y about DNA and coronavirus, but we explain it all along the way in simple terms. We break down the science into manageble pieces that you can use today. Especially when it comes to inflammation, which is one of the pandemic ripple effects.“Ultimately the real knockout punch is coming from something called cytokine storms, which is just a sexy word of seeing a deregulated hyped-up, armed-up inflammatory response,” Mansoor says.Whether you have access to

  • Part 1-Ripple Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic That We’re Ignoring: DNA Impacts with Mansoor Mohammed, Ph.D : 687

    14/04/2020 Duration: 47min

    This episode of Bulletproof Radio is part one of a special two-part series. There was a lot to discuss about Covid-19 with Mansoor Mohammed, Ph.D., president and chief scientific officer of The DNA Company.Today’s guest is widely regarded as a pioneer in medical genomics and has been the recipient of multiple academic and industry awards. He’s the holder of several patents in the general fields of molecular diagnostics and genomics research. Now you might think that we’re going to get into something scienc-y about DNA and coronavirus—and we are, but there’s so much more to consider. For example, how DNA impacts your ability to fight Covid-19 and the vast ripple effect this pandemic is having across the world. There’s also an emotional effect, secondary to the pandemic, that very few people are talking about in any meaningful way.Hardcore stress, anxiety, social isolation, employment and education disruption, and safety and security concerns are moving in waves across the world. Cortisol levels

  • Overcoming Massive Adversity with Little Mind Hacks – Amy Purdy : 686

    09/04/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    Don't miss this special—and slightly longer—episode of Bulletproof Radio. My guest has defied incredible odds throughout her life to accomplish some extraordinary things.Amy Purdy follows a road of her own making—as a motivational speaker, a New York Times best-selling author, a model, dancer and actress—and also the most decorated American Paralympic snowboarder in history.She toured the United States with Oprah Winfrey, speaking to stadiums of people about her life: losing both legs at 19. By sharing her incredible story, she taught others about resilience and inspired them to follow their dreams.Her life took another turn in 2019—this time a severe health setback. We’re going to talk about what happened and how she hacked her body and mind through her recovery.When it comes to excruciating pain, adversity, and continually moving forward, Amy has worked through it all with strength and grace.Perseverance: “Even when I survived, I think, it made me have to really dig deep and figure out, okay, there's c

  • Parenting Through the New Norm: Tips for Connecting with Your Kids During Stressful Times – Dr. Stewart Friedman : 685

    08/04/2020 Duration: 52min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is a leading voice for change in social and corporate policy to bring greater harmony between work and the rest of life—especially for parents.Stewart Friedman currently is an organizational psychologist and professor of management practice at the Wharton School. He’s an award-winning professor and bestselling author who founded Wharton’s Leadership Program and its Work/Life Integration Project nearly 30 years ago. Flexibility is a big part of that integration, and the timing couldn’t be better. The realities of working at home—with kids—is settling in for many familiesA simple acknowledgement of “I'm a human being beyond the work exchange that we're doing right now, and so are you, so let's deal with that,” is necessary, Stew says. “We're being forced to do that now and I think that that's helping everybody. It does require, as I say, some adjustment and flexibility, but I think if you negotiate it just a bit up front it makes everything a lot eas

  • How Virus Resistance Can Help You Live to 100 – Jamie Metzl : 684

    07/04/2020 Duration: 43min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is Jamie Metzl, a leading futurist, geopolitical expert, science fiction novelist, media commentator and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. He served in the White House, State Department, and United Nations.In 2019, he was appointed to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) expert advisory committee on developing global standards for the governance and oversight of human genome editing. Jamie’s work with the WHO and his background in international relations gives him a unique perspective on the coronavirus. It another great connection, his newest book “Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity” leads us right into a discussion about genetic engineering to help fight viruses. “We like to imagine ourselves in harmony with nature, but we're at war with nature,” Jamie says. There are reasons to both fear and be excited about the possiblities of genetic engineering.Jamie also provides advisory services to governments, busi

  • Going Beyond the Human Mind to Discover Your Infinite Potential – Deepak Chopra : 683

    02/04/2020 Duration: 57min

    This episode of Bulletproof Radio is a special in-person podcast at the Milken Global Conference in Abu Dhabi with Deepak Chopra.Deepak Chopra, M.D., FACP, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. TIMEmagazine described him as “one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.” He’s been exploring the intersection of science and spirituality for decades. Immersed in the study and practice of meditation, Ayurveda and mind-body-soul connection, his teachings have greatly influenced our modern understanding of the self. His long scholarship and research of human consciousness has furthered our understanding of what’s real and what’s possible.“In terms of human potential, metareality isn’t outer space but the pure, unbounded consciousness that lies at the source of the mind,” he says in our interview.“Consciousness is the knowing element in every experience, whether it's perception, or mental, or emotional, or imagination,” Deepak continues. “Any sensation, any

  • Viruses: The Ultimate Gene Therapy Machines – Liz Parrish : 682

    31/03/2020 Duration: 59min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is known as "the woman who wants to genetically engineer you," and a leading voice for genetic cures.Liz Parrish founded and serves as CEO of BioViva Sciences USA Inc., a bioinformatics company actively working to extend healthy lifespans using gene therapy. It’s looking specifically at how gene therapy works in humans and how regenerative genes work in human bodies. Its partner company, Integrative Health Systems, helps people get access to these technologies today.A strong champion of progress and education for the advancement of gene therapy, Liz firmly supports our right and our ability to hack our own DNA.And she definitely walks her talk: In 2015 she became the first person in the world to take dual gene therapies to treat aging. One of the ways was to use adeno-associated virus, called AAV.  “AAV doesn't essentially do what old gene therapy does,” she explains. “So, you don't get sick when you take it, because if you get sick then you'r

  • How Harvard Researcher David Sinclair (and Dave Asprey) Manage COVID-19 Risk : 681

    27/03/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    In this special episode of Bulletproof Radio, microbiologist and geneticist David Sinclair, Ph.D., gives a thoroughly researched perspective on the coronavirus, plus concrete steps you can take and lifestyle changes you can make to potentially lower your own risk.We cover food, fasting and fitness. A range of supplements. The research behind and benefits of a vaccine, the red tape of regulation, availability of home test kits, and much more. David is a professor in the department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and founding director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging at Harvard. He’s best known for his extensive research on lifespan extension and treatment of diseases for aging. He’s an award-winning researcher whose work on resveratrol, NAD, and reprogramming to reverse aging have been widely hailed as major scientific breakthroughs.“Before this [coronavirus] happened, it was pretty obvious to me as someone who was already working in a company that wa

  • Why You Need a COVID-19 Brain Wash – Dr. David Perlmutter : 680

    26/03/2020 Duration: 56min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is Dr. David Perlmutter, a board-certified neurologist and fellow of the American College of Nutrition. He’s spent his career focusing critical attention on brain health, lifestyle and nutrition that maintains health and prevents diseases.We spend time discussing the coronavirus impact on physical and mental health, as well as ways to keep the immune system going strong.“Fear destroys immune function, and so does lack of sleep, so does eating poorly, and all of these threaten our first line of defense,” Dr. Perlmutter says. “We can make decisions either from an impulsive part of the brain, the amygdala, that are short term and really interested only in “myself,” or we can tap into the prefrontal cortex and make decisions that have much more long view.”Dr. Perlmutter’s also a New York Times bestselling author of multiple books. His newest was co-written with his son Austin Perlmutter, M.D. Brain Wash: Detox Your Mind for Clearer Thinking, Deeper Relationships

  • Resilience Rising with Neil Pasricha : 679

    24/03/2020 Duration: 58min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’m talking to a guest who thinks, writes, and speaks about intentional living. Neil Pasricha is known as a top leadership keynote speaker, positive psychology researcher, and international bestselling author of several books, including You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life. He knows all about how to get to awesome and may just have solved the happiness equation. Gratitude is a big part of that.“You go around the dinner table, everybody has to say a rose from their day, a highlight, a gratitude, it has to be specific,” Neil says. “Some of this is a neurochemical game. I'm trying to get off dopamine. I want to get back to oxytocin here. I want to get back to touch, kissing, hugs, intimacy, love—those are the chemicals I want in my brain.”Neil’s also going to let you in on some secrets of confidence, vulnerability and love that will upgrade your resilience.“One way to get out of our heads, to get out of ou

  • Powerful Peptides for Your Anti-Aging Arsenal – Dr. Heather Smith-Fernandez : 678

    19/03/2020 Duration: 59min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we take a deep dive into the exciting topic of peptides—what they are, what they do and ideal dosages. We’ll also introduce you to a brand-new mitochondrial peptide that’s being looked at as a global antiaging molecule.My guest is a board-certified anesthesiologist and fellow-trained interventional pain medicine physician who graduated in the first-ever class of physicians trained and certified in peptide medicine. Dr. Heather Smith-Fernandez founded the Regenerative Institute of Medicine in Naples, Florida. She also founded Peptology™, the study and clinical application of peptides in living beings, both human and non-human. She uses peptides in all areas of her practice, such as regenerative treatments, advanced aesthetics, sexual health, hormone therapy, preventive medicine, and advanced lab testing. She also trains other physicians in specific Peptology™ protocols at her institute.Peptides are the real deal. After using them for a period of time, “There

  • Coronavirus Bonus: How to Hack Your Inflammation Storm

    18/03/2020 Duration: 20min

    This episode is going to be about how to hack coronavirus. No, I don't know how to cure it, but we know some things that it does, and here's some thoughts about what you can possibly do about that. It's causing damage to people's hearts in a lot of people, not just lungs, and it seems to do this through increasing inflammation beyond what would be normal, what we call a cytokine storm.Here are my tips for hacking interleukin-6, which we now understand, based on a new study out of Wuhan, China, that this is one of the ways that the coronavirus is killing people by causing a cytokine storm. It's the storm of inflammation.Enjoy the show!RELATED CONTENT:What I Do To Protect Myself From Coronavirus, And How I Plan To Kick It If I Get ItTo learn more about the "moral panic" of coronavirus on Bulletproof Radio. Listen here and read here.Honor your elders and be kind to those with compromised immune systems by knowing how you can affect the surge capacity of coronavirus. Watch here.View:

  • Support Immune Health in Two Steps: Modulate Gut Bacteria & Neutralize Inflammation – Just Thrive Health : 677

    17/03/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    In this episode, my guests Tina Anderson, co-founder and CEO of Just Thrive Health and research microbiologist Kiran Krishnan have returned with updated research and new developments in how to treat and care for the human microbiome.Tina is a former lawyer who found her life’s work in the field of natural health by creating a unique probiotic supplement company. Kiran is a research microbiologist with particular interest in gut commensal spore bacteria. “In the gut, diversity is paramount to health,” Kiran says. “Diversity in the gut will dictate how long you live. It has a huge impact on your longevity.”You may know about probiotics, and you may even take them, but do you know why they work and how they support your immune system? Probiotics help immensely. But not just any probiotic—you want to use spore-based. And Tina and Kiran can tell you why bacteria and probiotics are frenemies of the best kind. “One of the things that the spores do is they will flag our own cells that are infected

  • Decrease Your Exposure to EMFs Right Now – Dr. Joseph Mercola : 676

    12/03/2020 Duration: 58min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, you’re going to learn a lot about electromagnetic fields, what they are doing to your health, and what you can do about it.“EMFs are invisible to your eyes and exist in a spectrum of frequencies that include radio and TV waves, microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and radioactive elements,” says my guest, Dr. Joseph Mercola, in his new book, “EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself.” “Some sources of EMFs are natural, such as sunlight, while others are man-made—such as the energy used to cook foods by microwave ovens. These EMFs have demonstrable negative physiological effects, but very few people fully grasp this.”We discuss how important it is that people understand the dangers of EMFs. That can be hard in a world where technology use has become so common.“You have to get over this hump, this reluctance to accept that there could be some harm that you may have to change your behavior if you want to remain h

  • Women, Menopause and Alzheimer’s: XX Brain Connections with Lisa Mosconi, Ph.D. : 675

    10/03/2020 Duration: 59min

    My guest today is a neuroscientist and neuro-nutritionist recognized and respected for her contributions to the fields of brain science, the microbiome, and nutritional genomics. Dr. Lisa Mosconi is the founder and director of the Women's Brain Initiative and associate director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. She’s also an associate professor of neuroscience in neurology and radiology at Weill Cornell and an adjunct faculty member at New York University’s Department of Psychiatry.Her current scientific work focuses on the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease in at-risk people, particularly women. More than a decade of research has shown two things, Dr. Mosconi says: “No. 1, Alzheimer's Disease is not a disease of old age, but rather the disease starts with negative changes in the brain years—if not decades—before any clinical symptoms emerge. So, we're looking at midlife, rather than when you're 70 or 80. No. 2, women tend to develop these negative cha

  • Why You Have CCE (Corona Cognitive Epidemic) and What To Do About It – Samuel Veissière, Ph.D. : 674

    05/03/2020 Duration: 56min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is Samuel Veissière, Ph.D., who examines social and evolutionary dimensions of cognition, mental health, and human well-being through a variety of projects. He’s an assistant professor of Psychiatry, co-director of the Culture, Mind, and Brain Program, and an associate member of the department of Anthropology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.He caught my attention with his recent article in Psychology Today: The Coronavirus Is Much Worse Than You Think: How COVID-19 is infecting our minds, not our lungs.We’re going to take a look at the coronavirus, formally named COVID-19, from a decidedly different perspective. One that’s worth thinking about.“The human mind is really, really, really bad at estimating the statistical probabilities of anything,” Dr. Veissière says. “And human minds have evolved to specific cravings for different kinds of information, in particular, anything that conveys information about potential threats or danger.”His

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