The Raise Your Vibe Podcast helps women tame their inner mean girl and increase their confidence with positive self-talk. Using positivity and the law of attraction to understand our inner energies and calm stress and anxiety, Tonya Rineer is the girl you've always wanted in your corner! She tells it like it is and dishes out real life ACTIONABLE advice that will help you ditch your limiting beliefs and change the way you think and feel about yourself- forever!
044 - Self-Sabbotage: Why We Do What We Do
30/05/2017 Duration: 19minSelf-sabotage - we all do it, but do you know why you do it? Well let's hop into this episode and I'll explore some reasons why people self-sabotage. IN THIS EPISODE 0:20 Do you sabotage yourself? Even though you want to save, you can't stop spending. Or you desire more income and more clients and when the opportunity presents itself, you clam up. Take a moment and look back. How has your past year been going? Are you excited to take in new experiences, grow your business and double or triple your income or does that completely freak you out? Do your behaviors contradict your desires? If so, you fall into this category of self-sabotage. 2:01 We've all been there and do this from time to time. You aren't alone. And it's because we have four basic needs that need to be met. Love and connection - We need to feel like we belong and are loved. We need to feel included. Maybe you were the girl who didn't get invited to the party or you were the girl in the corner and you felt like people were whispering about you t
043 - Are you pushing money away?
26/05/2017 Duration: 14minWhat are you telling the universe about money? Are you operating in a scarcity mindset or an abundant mindset? Listen to this episode to find out where you stand and if you're sending mixed signals. IN THIS EPISODE 0:16 Do you film home videos? It's been a while since I have but a few weeks ago my son Tommy found a hard drive of Christmas seven or eight years ago. I have three boys and they each open gifts differently. One opens gift excitedly and one is in the middle and the oldest has a hard time opening gifts in front of people. 2:43 As I'm watching this video, it reminded me of us and the way we receive and the way that we don't. Do you pick up pennies if you find them? If it's an easy yes, what if it's a quarter? What if it's a dollar? It's all about perspective and what it means to you when you find money. It's your abundance versus scarcity mindset. 4:20 If you're in the middle of nowhere and what goes through your head are worried about people judging you for picking it up and them thinking you're gr
042 - 10 Easy Ways to Build Trust Online
19/05/2017 Duration: 26minBuilding an online business means that you need to build trust and credibility. So how do you do that? Well, I'm giving you 10 ways to do that in this episode to give your business a boost! IN THIS EPISODE 0:16 I'm the mother of teen boys and in their world, there's this thing happening called reselling and I'm watching my entrepreneurial boys get into this. They're watching certain companies release 50 or 100 of certain products. You enter into a raffle to buy and then some of them you get to turn around and sell them on sites. 1:31 It's been a very interesting experience as a spectator to watch my sons and their friends go through this process as they've had to learn the hard way that you can't just send someone an item and wait for a check to come in the mail. They don't ask and they trust the first time. 3:00 It's that experience of getting hurt and jaded from the first time when someone doesn't send money. It's our subconscious that is protecting us from experiencing those feelings again. 3:33 You, as an
041 - Are you embracing your money blocks?
16/05/2017 Duration: 16minSometimes it's hard to let go of the things that are holding us back. Did you know that there are four emotions evoked through the money block process? Find out from me, Tonya Rineer, how to move past your money blocks and into abundance. IN THIS EPISODE 0:17 I'd love to have a little chat with you about your money blocks. Are you embracing them? Are you hanging on to them without even knowing it? Sometimes we hang on to things that are toxic. 1:18 We hang on to things that aren't serving us anymore. We get rid of buzz kills that don't pick us up and make us feel good. 1:54 Marie Kondo has you hold things in your hand and ask "does this make me feel good." How do you identify those things we hang on to? Let's talk about it. 2:32 Anytime we hang on to something that doesn't serve us it's because it's comfortable or there's a little bit of hope. Although you're not happy where you're at, it's comfortable. You choose where you're at in this relationship as an alternative situation that it could be worse. 3:35 Wh
040 - The 20 Second Hug
12/05/2017 Duration: 06minHugging can make a difference in your day. Did you know that? Did you know the magic number of hugs you should have in a day is eight? It's true and join me for a quick episode where I tell you why these things are true. IN THIS EPISODE 0:25 Did you know that a 20-second hug is all you need to completely transform your day? 1:16 It is true. Personal touch, physical touch releases hormones in our bodies which make us happy. It releases oxytocin which is released during breastfeeding, orgasm, get a massage and hobbies like praying or meditating. 2:15 In the last episode I shared a story of one of my f-ups and the day was bad after that. Later that day I gave my husband the look and he knows that it means I need a hug. It felt like ahhh. After that, I was able to suck it up, wipe away my tears and move on. 4:00 When we're stretching, any higher emotion on the energy scale is better. If you're having a bad day, then look around you and find someone to hug. 5:13 A 20-second hug also releases dopamine and it will h
039 - Dealing with Humiliation and Letting People Down
09/05/2017 Duration: 14minHumiliation and letting people down happen and these are real fears that keep us from moving forward. Listen to this episode to find out how I handled a situation that recently took place in my own life. IN THIS EPISODE 00:16 Can I share with you the most embarrassing thing I've done recently? Humiliating to be sure but I think I've hurt someone in the process. Let me tell you the story. We're at my niece and nephew's birthday party recently and I wrote her card out just fine, but I wrote the wrong name on his card! And I felt awful emotions while I was sitting there watching him open a card addressed to his brother. 3:56 What do you do when you feel like you let someone down? These things happen and these are real fears. It's the fear of experiencing these emotions that keep us from doing things. 4:41 Let me tell you how I handled this. In that moment, I took responsibility for making a mistake. By me being humble and vulnerable allowed my nephew to accept my apology. 6:48 How does this translate to business
038 - How to Connect with Influencers
05/05/2017 Duration: 22minToday we're talking about influencers and celebrities. You may have a mindset block about contacting influencers and celebrities you want to reach out to pitch or contact for other reasons. I've got mindset work for you so let's hop into this episode and help you get where you want to go. IN THIS EPISODE 00:24 How to pitch to influencers and celebrities and not being intimidated. This question was prompted by Maggie in the Facebook group. 1:20 Mindset is all about breaking down the story we're telling ourselves and seeing a different perspective. 1:46 My son's friend and his family know Kid Rock and I use this example of how creating a normalcy around celebrities breaks down the barrier surrounding those people. 3:59 Are you creating a wall or barrier between you and that celebrity or influencer? 4:53 Instead of focusing on what they have that you don't, and the celebrity status they have, switch it up. Think of what you have in common. If you can hone in on those commonalities, then that will help you incre
037 - Calendar Strategies to Get More Done
02/05/2017 Duration: 19minYou have SO much going on in your business, run two or three different schedules AND want to stay on top of your work, and the work for your own business. You have a to-do list a mile long and want to be more PRODUCTIVE. Girl, you need to listen to this episode. I get into ways to help you do more with the time you've got. IN THIS EPISODE 1:47 Are you looking to get more done? I know you, you're an overachiever, there's a to-do list a mile long and you want to get more done. Pay attention to this episode. 3:28 Use your calendar for everything. If it's not on your calendar, then it's not important so put everything on there. Google calendar integrates with everything. If you're a paper and pen person, that's awesome. Just make sure you've got everything on your calendar. 4:41 When you're scheduling your week, make sure you schedule some white space for the things that happen to come up and the fires that need to get put out. 5:11 Being mindful of the way you schedule and starting the habit of putting everythi
036 - Regaining Control when Everything is Going Wrong
28/04/2017 Duration: 18minWhen life gets out of control and you feel like you're in the middle of a storm, what do you do? There are things we can do to gain control. Keeping your vibe up will allow the law of attraction to work in your favor. Listen now to find out how to regain control of your life. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: THE PROFIT PARTY ACADEMY If you've been in business for a few years and have hit a plateau, you're ready to make more money, and you're stuck, Tonya Rineer's Profit Party Academy is designed specifically for you. She wants to help you break down limiting beliefs and mindset blocks to set you up to rock in your business. The group academy will be a mix of group calls, mastermind and calls with Tonya. If you want more information, RSVP for her Profit Party Academy. IN THIS EPISODE 2:23 When the world starts to go haywire, and you start to feel tired, emotional drained and out of balance, all these things lead to the feeling that nothing seems to be going great. 3:23 Once we get into that groove and we're in t
035 - What Happens When Mercury Retrogrades
25/04/2017 Duration: 24minSomething must be wanky with the universe right now. Do you know what it is? Mercury is in retrograde. I know it's not just me, because I've been hearing it from others. It's kind of like when there's a full moon. How do you react when things are crazy because of astrology? Here are a few practical ways to keep moving forward. IN THIS EPISODE 1:48 Something must be wanky with the universe right now. I know it's not just me, because I've been hearing it from others. It's kind of like when there's a full moon. 2:25 There are freaking things that happen and an example from when I worked at a gentleman's club and experienced really weird behaviors. 5:24 There's something about the astrology in the universe that affects our behaviors. One of those things is Mercury being in retrograde when this episode airs. This means when Mercury slows down, it looks like it comes to a stand still or goes backward. 7:11 What does that mean for us? It controls technology and people's sense of time. The beginning of the month a
034 - Getting What You Want by Letting Go
20/04/2017 Duration: 13minAre you letting go, or are you holding tightly to negative thoughts and bringing your vibe down? Have you thought about what's your vibe coming across as desperate or are you relaxed and welcoming any money coming your way? Go a little deeper in this episode with me, Tonya Rineer, as we create higher vibes through letting go. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: THE PROFIT PARTY ACADEMY If you've been in business for a few years and have hit a plateau, you're ready to make more money, and you're stuck, Tonya Rineer's Profit Party Academy is designed specifically for you. She wants to help you break down limiting beliefs and mindset blocks to set you up to rock in your business. The group academy will be a mix of group calls, mastermind and calls with Tonya. If you want more information, RSVP for her Profit Party Academy. IN THIS EPISODE 2:02 I want to dig into emotions and feelings - do they match? We so often think we believe that things are happening in our favor that clients are coming our way and that we'll hav
033 - Pain Points and Brain Patterns
18/04/2017 Duration: 23minLimiting beliefs can be caused by past experiences. Did you know that your brain patterns can unconsciously dictate how you react to a situation based on a past experience? They really can impact how you react and stop you from moving forward in your business. Listen in as I give examples and some homework to get you moving beyond your brain patterns. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: THE PROFIT PARTY ACADEMY If you've been in business for a few years and have hit a plateau, you're ready to make more money, and you're stuck, Tonya Rineer's Profit Party Academy is designed specifically for you. She wants to help you break down limiting beliefs and mindset blocks to set you up to rock in your business. The group academy will be a mix of group calls, mastermind and calls with Tonya. If you want more information, RSVP for her Profit Party Academy. IN THIS EPISODE 1:46 Shout out to those lovely ladies who have left reviews on Itunes - thank you! 3:03 We're diving into patterns today, how your past experiences trigger
032 - Impatient Husband? How to Get Him to Support Your Biz Goals
14/04/2017 Duration: 21minYou want your husband to support you and your business. How can you gain this support and what words or actions do you take to get that support you crave? Tonya has key phrases, actions, and steps you can take to get the support you want as you work with your husband. IN THIS EPISODE 1:48 How long does it take to train a husband? When you're running a business, and getting the business off the ground, and you think about business all the time. There's way too much going on to vocalize all these things to your husband all the time. 3:27 What happens when your husband who is super supportive, either your husband is supporting you and your family, or maybe it's just a business you're running for yourself, is saying "show me the money." You want to commit 100 percent and you want to build your business. 4:33 Focus your energy and your love on the one thing that's going to move you forward.Think about the feeling of when someone loves on what you're doing. Tune into that feeling and that emotion. If you have that
031 - Building Your Empire with Stacy Tuschl
13/04/2017 Duration: 31minStacy Tuschl is joining Tonya today to talk about paying yourself, how to pinpoint a starting point if you've got too many ideas and Stacy's She's Building Her Empire. Listen for great conversation as Tonya and Stacy dive deep into some great topics. Stacy Tuschl is a High-Performance Coach & Business Mentor, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and the Creator of She’s Building Her Empire Podcast & Community where she helps purpose-driven women entrepreneurs and business owners break through their challenges, operate at their highest potential and create self-sustaining businesses. Stacy is highly passionate about helping women unapologetically be themselves and create a legacy they can be proud of. IN THIS EPISODE 1:49 This episode's guest is Stacy Tuschl. Her passion for igniting the world and helping women entrepreneurs build a legacy they can be proud of in their business. 3:30 Stacy's family is important to her and they are both close in proximity and her sister is her general manager for her brick and
030 - What are Angel Numbers?
11/04/2017 Duration: 15minSometimes you see series of numbers, but did you know they might have meanings? Tonya describes angel numbers and how they can be influential in your business and a powerful encouragement throughout your day. IN THIS EPISODE 2:09 Getting spiritual and talking a little woowoo today in this episode. Tonya dives into number sequences. Today she's talking about angel numbers and how they relate to number sequences. 3:19 Tonya explains what angel numbers are. Your angels are trying to get you to pay attention to something and send you a message. If you consistently see numbers in sequences, look it up. 4:10 What the series of 1's mean - a message from your angel to be aware of your thoughts that they are quickly manifesting into real life. Thoughts becoming reality. It's a reminder that you have to focus your thoughts into positivity. Your energy goes on what you're focusing on. 5:32 Angel number 222 - the message is to stay strong in your personal truths. All is being worked out for the highest good of all. The e
029 - Get Your Manifesting Mojo On
07/04/2017 Duration: 17minManifesting is great when you want to see your big goals and dreams become reality. Tonya walks through the big action steps for you to get you started manifesting big things. IN THIS EPISODE 3:00 Tonya takes you back to a story of how she manifested a big goal and how it became a reality in her life. She's moving into her happy place that she used to visualize and uses when she meditates. 6:20 Sharing this story puts into practice and proves that what Tonya uses in her formula videos is real. Vibes are scientifically proven which is why she uses this method to attract and raise her vibes. 7:47 You have to be able to articulate what it is you want to manifest. What do you want in detail? Take a minute and feel it. What does that do to you? 8:45 Practice acting as if you already have it. Act like you've already got it and meditate on that. If you're looking to manifest a certain amount in your bank account, what would that look like? 10:15 If you're looking to manifest something huge, you'll have to do it freq
028 - Getting Visible by Getting on Podcasts with Jessica Rhodes
06/04/2017 Duration: 41minGetting visibility and guest appearances on podcasts are a great way to grow your business, but do you know how to get booked? Tonya's guest, Jessica Rhodes, is a master at this topic and we're so excited for her to share her knowledge with us! Jessica is the founder and CEO of, the premier Guest Booking agency for podcasters and guest experts, and she is the acclaimed author of Interview Connections: How to #RockThePodcast From Both Sides of the Mic! Jessica is the host of Interview Connections TV, where each week she helps her viewers rock the podcast from both sides of the mic. She hosts/co-hosts three podcasts: Rhodes to Success, The Podcast Producers and The Parenting Rhodes. The Podcast Producers was selected by Apple as a “How to Podcast” show in iTunes and has also been included in the syllabus for a course about podcasting and audio journalism at Western University in Ontario, Canada. Jessica is has been a speaker at Podcast Movement, and Dream Business Academy. Sh
027 - Giving Yourself an Abundance Allowance
04/04/2017 Duration: 12minHow does spending money on yourself make you feel? Tonya digs into why feelings are important when it comes to spending and how you can change your mindset through giving yourself an abundance allowance. Check out the episode as she coaches you through being okay with spending money on yourself. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: THE PROFIT PARTY ACADEMY If you've been in business for a few years and have hit a plateau, you're ready to make more money, and you're stuck, Tonya Rineer's Profit Party Academy is designed specifically for you. She wants to help you break down limiting beliefs and mindset blocks to set you up to rock in your business. The group academy will be a mix of group calls, mastermind and calls with Tonya. If you want more information, RSVP for her Profit Party Academy. IN THIS EPISODE 1:55 Do you spend money on yourself? If you do, how does it make you feel? 2:13 Why Tonya always asks how you feel. Why when you aren't tuned into how you feel can get you into trouble. 3:43 Being afraid of spend
026 - Using Anchors to Feel Fearless
31/03/2017 Duration: 15minYou are enough. The only thing stopping you from doing what you really want are your own limiting beliefs. In this episode, Tonya shares the story of Katherine Switzer who was the first female to complete the Boston Marathon race. She believed she could complete the race and she did. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: THE PROFIT PARTY ACADEMY If you've been in business for a few years and have hit a plateau, you're ready to make more money, and you're stuck, Tonya Rineer's Profit Party Academy is designed specifically for you. She wants to help you break down limiting beliefs and mindset blocks to set you up to rock in your business. The group academy will be a mix of group calls, mastermind and calls with Tonya. If you want more information, RSVP for her Profit Party Academy.
025 - Branding Your Biz with Heart featuring Samantha Johnston
30/03/2017 Duration: 35minBranding is the heart of a great business and Samantha Johnston is a brand designer and strategist for female entrepreneurs. She is a bootstrappin', pixie dust sprinklin' brand developer for female entrepreneurs who aren't afraid to dig in and get their hands dirty. With strategy, design and web she helps determined, self-taught, lady bosses, like you, realize their dreams of building a business with style, personality & heart. She works with ladies around the world, helping them create professional brands that don't break their budget or cause them to pull their hair out. Her adoring fans and clients have called her "Tinkerbell with a whip. Great accountability sprinkled with pixie dust", "[the] push outside my comfort zone" and "an incredible coach and friend." When she's not working you can find her hanging out with her kids, 100 lb lap dog and husband (most likely on a soccer field or at the park). IN THIS EPISODE 0:40 Samantha Johnston works with female entrepreneurs to develop a fantastic first impr