It is well established in the literature that relationships of all types throughout our lifetime impact health and well being physically and psychologically. Research shows that most chronic diseases have lifestyle and environmental causes. Beginning in childhood and even prenatally, events and relationships the way in together which we interact with nature the world around us shape our state of health and happiness. Affection and aggression have profound implications on physical and emotional development, homeostasis and immune function. How we are loved, how we love each other and how we love and care for ourselves not only impact chronic disease but also resilience, depression and anxiety, sleep issues and performance. Self-care is the true health care!This journey of Love is Medicine will help you get back to who you really are, so that through accepting the love around you, though practicing the self-love of self-care and self-accountability, you will heal all areas of your life: Health, relationships, and business.
022: Straight Talk About Infertility w/ Dr. Aumatma Shah
31/03/2019 Duration: 51minMany women feel a primal urge to reproduce and have a child, so how do you cope when your fertility is not serving you the way you intended? Dr. Aumatma Shah is a Naturopathic Medicine Doctor with a Masters in Nutrition who focuses on hormonal health and helping women have a child without shame or regret. Dr. Aumatma abides by the mantra that when you are having trouble conceiving, it is your body's way of telling you to alter something buried underneath. Once you are able to address those root causes, your ability to start or grow your family will be at your fingertips. By taking a step back and analyzing which symptoms may be inhibiting your body from getting pregnant, understanding how to test for specific egg quality and sperm analysis and the role age plays in pregnancy, and by gaining a sense of what your own unique fertility plan should look like, you can step into your next life phase with ease. Dr. Aumatma believes in customized treatments and an open mindset to get the results you deserve and the he
021: How Poetry Heals You: The Art and Science of Being Moved w/ Razi Berry
29/03/2019 Duration: 17minThroughout time, poetry has been an incredibly powerful art tool that is wonderfully compelling when conveying all of the emotions that make life meaningful. Poetry can connect us across time and space and render even the smallest moments meaningful, but have you ever wondered what powers the art of poetry possesses beyond that? Join me as I uncover the intuitive, ancestral and physiological responses one can have to poetry, and explore how poetry can bridge the gap between the art and the sciences to encourage higher order thinking. Accepting poetry as a key influencing factor to encourage learning and spiritual growth in a society can help heighten our intuition and in turn, help us to lead more fulfilling lives. By looking at the movements in our language and the soothing patterns or rhythms found in poetry, it is easy to understand why poetry can be such a powerful outlet for both positive and negative emotions. It is only through the understanding of our physiological responses to poetry, as well as the
020: Fear: The Trickster and the Teacher w/ Rhonda Britten
28/03/2019 Duration: 48minA life-changing and inspirational pioneer in the field of life coaching, and one of my childhood heroes, Rhonda Britten needs no introduction. A master coach and bestselling author, Rhonda has taken the horrific traumatic events of her childhood and harnessed them into a powerful ability to embrace fear, and help her clients do the same. The founder of Fearless Living and an expert in helping others find their innocence and giving yourself the compassion that you need, Rhonda is here today to help you live your life with your soul intention. While it may be easy to read a book or go to a workshop and say you will live your life without fear, the reality is much different. Rhonda is here to lay the groundwork so you can begin to understand how fear works within your body mind and heart, and how to teach yourself to shift your perspective and use the power of your fear to propel yourself forward in your life. By embracing your scars and getting to the real underlying fear underneath the superficial one, you can
019: Physiology of Rejection: An Emotional and Physical Pain w/ Razi Berry
24/03/2019 Duration: 21minEverybody has been rejected at some point in their lives. Whether big or small, rejection can hurt just as much as a broken arm or bruised knee, so why don’t we treat it the same? On this episode, I am redefining pain to include the social component and examining exactly why rejection can hurt so bad. The lingering pain of rejection can change our lives forever, so it is necessary to understand the emotional, cognitive and social components of a distressing experience. Get ready to learn how the brain is impacted by pain regardless of its origin, how to use top-down processing to change your perceptions, and ways to soothe yourself using your neuron processors. In addition to the science behind pain, I am also explaining how social rejection impacts the immune system, the destruction pain killers could be having on your body and relationships, and how to use self-care to stay in the good graces of those that we love. While rejection is a very common thing in everyday life, ranging from economic issues to fo
018: Consciousness & Conscience: Good, Bad and What Makes As Aware of it All w/ Razi Berry
21/03/2019 Duration: 22minScientists have long been amazed by the human ability of consciousness, and how our awareness of our environments impacts our bodies. Regardless of whether you believe consciousness stems from the brain or is a more non-local phenomenon, our ability to have consciousness and conscience is what makes us truly unique to be human. Join me as I explore the fundamentals of consciousness and what it means to be a thinking and contemplative human being. Our physical sensations, memories, and goals are all ingredients into our consciousness, and your entire body is involved in the process. On this episode, learn why your three hearts are connected to the three levels of consciousness, the neuro and atomical correlates of consciousness, and how to balance the struggle between self-interest and ultimate truth in modern society. By becoming more aware of your mind, body and the world, you can harness your conscience to create a more beautiful experience out of life. The more we develop our consciousness, the better we w
017: Find Your Feminine Fire! w/ Amanda Testa
19/03/2019 Duration: 38minAmanda Testa is a sex, love and relationship coach who noticed that the women she saw were all struggling to find self-love and embrace the feminine fire within. As a result, Amanda created Fine Your Feminine Fire, a process combining ancient tantric tools with neuroscience to help high performing women ditch the guilt and unworthiness to embody confidence, radiance, and vitality in all areas of their lives. Often as women, it can feel like a struggle to find a balance between our femininity and being taken seriously in a man-centric world. Today Amanda shares how to stay in your femininity while remaining in control of your life, and why you should embrace your softness to feel a deeper connection with yourself and others. She explains the importance of being more intentional, how to connect with your sensuality again, and why we should be celebrating and encouraging exploring our own bodies. By tapping into your feminine essence and womanly intuition, Amanda believes you can cultivate a love affair with you
016: The Emotional Rollercoaster Of Social Media w/ Razi Berry
17/03/2019 Duration: 16minThere is no denying that the advancement of social media has allowed us to connect in ways we never thought possible before. However, it is also undeniable that these developments have had an emotional impact on the way we view ourselves, others, and the world around us. Social media has drastically impacted how we relate to other humans on a daily basis, and how we communicate with ourselves and those we are in relationships with. On this episode, I break down just what exactly about social media makes us feel good and bad about ourselves, the benefits and repercussions of becoming heavily reliant on social media, and the reality of building up an emotional social media tolerance. Plus, I dive into the role mirror neurons are playing in your ability to empathize, the link social media use has to anxiety and depression, and what you can be doing to make your social media feed a more positive place. Don’t be left feeling unfulfilled by social media and with less-than-satisfying in-person relationships. Priorit
015: Vulnerability Can Save Your Relationships w/ Razi Berry
14/03/2019 Duration: 14minWe're all familiar with the discomfort of vulnerability. When we open ourselves up we are increasing our chances of getting hurt, or being rejected for who we truly are. However, did you know that vulnerability can also increase your oxytocin, or the love hormone, and can actually be used to strengthen your relationship? On this episode, I break down the hormones and chemicals that mediate our experience of being vulnerable, the role oxytocin plays in both intimacy and feeling unsafe, and why you need to be using your vulnerability to strengthen your relationship rather than pushing it away. When you give yourself permission to be yourself in your relationship, no matter what relationship it is, it helps you live your own life more authentically. By being honest to yourself and those around you by coming from a place of love, you can become more comfortable asking for helping and have more courage in yourself. It is time to stop living in fear for what might happen, and let someone see you for who you truly a
014: Ninety Seconds To A Life You Love w/ Dr. Joan Rosenberg
12/03/2019 Duration: 50minDr. Joan Rosenberg is a cutting edge psychologist, best selling author, consultant, media host, master clinician and leading influencer on thought leadership and personal development. Dr. Rosenberg helps people just like you build confidence, increase resilience and find emotional strength and relationship mastery. Today she is here to help you get in touch with your difficult feelings in order to accept your emotions rather than avoiding them, and in turn, gain the confidence you need to approach any situation without hesitation. By focusing on how to build confidence and the reasons we all universally struggle with negative emotions, Dr. Rosenberg has created the Rosenberg Reset, along with her book 90 Seconds To A Life you Love. Dr. Rosenberg is sharing the resources behind her ‘1 choice 8 feelings 90 seconds’ theory in order to become more capable and resourceful. She is also letting you in on why she believes harsh self-criticism and anxiety are just distractions from other unpleasant feelings, how to to
013: Play Is Medicine For Your Mind And Body w/ Razi Berry
10/03/2019 Duration: 26minAs a society, we play much less often than we used too. While playtime and imagination used to take up hours of a child’s day, our modern society has shifted away from play and forgotten the vital role it can play in long-term health and wellbeing. Social play as a child is essential to the ability to develop critical thinking skills, resiliency and brain plasticity, problem-solving and quick adaptation, and much more. So why has our society rejected our innate natural need to have a little more play in our lives? Today we break down the exact science behind why our brains are hardwired to play, the roles of different neurotransmitter systems in the body when reacting to play, and why play is critically important during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The thinking and cognitive aspects of play increase our ability to bounce back, think for ourselves and most importantly, have fun. Although the frequency and type of play we engage in changes as we age, it is no less important. It is time to stop letting
012: Lovesickness Is A Real Thing w/ Razi Berry
07/03/2019 Duration: 16minSome breakups hurt more than others, and generally, this is an accepted fact. But have you ever stopped to think about why the termination of some relationships hurt more than others? If a heartbreak has ever made you feel physically ill, I am breaking down some information that may help you wrap your head around the systematic issues that contributed to your real physiological response. I am introducing you to cytokines, one of the main reasons some relationships are harder to get over than others, along with other hormones such as IL 1 and CRH that are playing a role in how you process the end of a relationship. Other reasons why the end of a relationship may trigger physical responses, how your brain makes connections through the body-mind continuum and the role pair bonding plays in creating attachment will also be unveiled in this episode. Having a strong understanding of your emotions, the physiological aspects of love, and how they relate to how we experience our closest relationships is an important a
011: Stress Less, Accomplish More! w/ Emily Fletcher
05/03/2019 Duration: 36minFor myself and many others, meditation can seem slightly intimidating if you do not know where to begin. Emily Fletcher has brought her unique way of looking at meditation to countless high profile clients through her company, Ziva Meditation, and is here to help us embrace the ease of meditation. Emily has created a fresh spin on meditation that makes it enjoyable and energizing. A believer in allowing thoughts to flow freely through your head, replacing your caffeine buzz with meditation energy and gaining the tools to find your own happiness internally, Emily is here to shine a light on new and improved ways to meditate with the Ziva Technique. Meditation can have many benefits including eradicating stress, relieving migraines, clearing brain fog and improving relationships. Emily is proof that when you understand what is right for your body and use mediation as a tool to become more prepared to deal with any crisis, you can increase your sensory perception in everything you do. How we care for ourselves i
010: Self Esteem And Relationships w/ Razi Berry
03/03/2019 Duration: 16minWhen your partner or someone you love is going through a phase of depression, anxiety, stress or low self-esteem, it can often fall on us to feel as though we need to put together the pieces. This can lead to resentment in a relationship and can ultimately diminish the quality of life for both partners, but it doesn't have to be this way. Today I am here to offer you advice on little things that you can do to make a huge difference in the way your partner feels, in the way you feel, and ultimately how to strengthen your bond through this hardship. Everything from living with a person to depression to how to empathetically listen without passing judgment is on the table today. Little things can add up and make a huge difference in how both you and partner feel in your relationship. By understanding factors that contribute to low self-esteem, and what you can do to remove negative triggers from your life, you can better embrace your worth and live as the cherished heirloom that you are. Has other peoples opinio
009: Memories And Emotion w/ Razi Berry
28/02/2019 Duration: 13minIs a memory ever picture perfect? I argue that while letting go of things does play an important role in life, so does holding onto memories and what makes them special for our unique experiences. No two people ever experience a situation the same, which means your memories are yours alone. By recognizing that we all remember things differently, and there is no singular truth to any situation, we can better understand how memories work and their power over us. By using a combination your memory and your body's interoceptive ability you can begin to make intelligent and appropriate decisions when negatively aroused, and decide for yourself what best serves you in those moments. Focusing on the body instead of the mind to accept the flawed beauty of memories is a natural way of embracing your inner truth. How do your memories affect the way you think about yourself? Let us know in the comments. In This Episode Focusing on the body instead of the mind and sensing your internal bodily changes How emotional aro
008: Self Love, Self Care & Intimacy w/ Wendy Strgar
26/02/2019 Duration: 48minAfter a bad reaction to heavily concentrated petrochemical products that fill most of women's health and beauty products today, Wendy Strgar got into her kitchen with the hopes of saving her marriage and ended up creating a company. Now, Wendy is passionate about helping women love their vaginas again and reconnecting couples on a deeply intimate level. Today Wendy is here to pull back the curtain on physical intimacy and embracing your sexual self. Wendy believes that if you are able to fix your issues with sex, all other problems will begin to heal as well. She is an advocate for the use of love oils and natural lubricants to increase neurochemical reactions and bring excitement back to a relationship. Whether you are in a sexless marriage, looking to bring some heat back to the bedroom, or are curious about all natural products to help bring you better orgasms, Wendy is the expert for you. At the end of the day, the only thing you are going to count is who you loved and who loved you back, so lets make sur
007: Jealousy Can Be GOOD And BAD For Your Relationship w/ Razi Berry
24/02/2019 Duration: 16minMost of us have experienced jealousy to some degree, as it is a natural human emotion that acts as an internal experience impacted by our external environment. Jealously can either harm or protect a relationship based on your behavior, so it is important to understand how it works and where it stems from in order to best deal with it and make decisions for your own life. Today I break down jealousy into three main contextual categories so you can best understand why you are feeling the way that you do, and what you can do to help solve your internal struggle. We look at physical changes that occur in the body during times of separation, which parts of the brain and hormones are responsible for triggering your aggression, and how to best listen to what your body is asking for. It is important to listen to your body and let it act as a guide for what suits you best. By being aware of your triggers and emotional boundaries, you can handle this emotion with grace and pride often not associated with jealousy, and
006: How We Are Loved Impacts Us For A Lifetime w/ Razi Berry
21/02/2019 Duration: 13minOur relationships can have a big impact on our overall health, well being, and the ability to generate love. This stems from our early experiences in childhood that affect your brain and body chemistry and leave lasting impacts. Science has shown that parental inconsistency can lead to long term mental health problems and reduced happiness in children, while children who are surrounded by love and potential are shown to stimulate healthy development into adulthood. Love really is medicine, and it starts with our first experiences. The experiences we have as children are part of who we are for our entire life and the way we are loved when we are young impacts our relationships for the rest of our lives. By understanding this as adults we can best make choices about how we want to raise and cultivate the next generation. How do you feel love impacted you in early childhood? Let me know in the comments. In This Episode The primary factor to ensure continuous and healthy growth in your infant Why our early exp
005: Removing Fear & Blame From Your Relationship w/ Gay & Katie Hendricks
19/02/2019 Duration: 44minGay and Katie Hendricks have learned a lot about relationship transformation and body intelligence in their 40 years as a couple. They harnessed their ability to translate powerful concepts into life-changing skills that you can easily integrate to start giving yourself the loving attention and nourishment you deserve. Gay and Katie have written over 40 books to help individuals and couples who struggle with basic relationship problems, including inequality that results from not loving yourself enough. This couple preaches the need for generating your healing from the inside out while learning to properly express your emotions and have an open appreciation for the world around you. In each of us, there is an urge to feel connected and feel unity and also an urge to be individual and have a direct relationship with life and the universe. This is why Gay and Katie have dedicated themselves to helping people just like you figure out the balance in their lives and create something special that is unique to you an
004: How Greenspace Increases Your Intuition w/ Razi Berry
17/02/2019 Duration: 18minIntuition is something that all of us have inside of us, a physio conscious phenomenon that is part of being human. However, with our increasingly fast-paced society, it is easy to become less in touch with your bodies internal messages. One of the best ways to increase your intuition is to get out into nature and let your body become enriched by the antioxidants given to us by the Earth. Our body and mind are intimately connected to the Earth, and the more time we spend in nature the more we can increase the coherence between our brain, heart, and gut. Exposure to green spaces can also improve functional connectivity, intuitive emotions and more. Reconnecting to nature is a beautiful and magical way that people can affect each other emotionally and physiologically, as well as increasing your internal intuition. When you are more intuitive you make better decisions in your everyday life for your health, relationships and your business, and a shoeless step into greenery is your first step. Have you noticed any
003: Trauma Hacking w/ Mastin Kipp
15/02/2019 Duration: 54minHow do you go from couch surfing and regularly using cocaine, to becoming one of Oprah’s top thought leaders for the next generation? That is one of many questions that Mastin Kipp has the answer too, and the basis for how he has used his experiences to help people connect with who they really are. A best selling author, speaker, and trauma coach, Mastin is an inspiring light that is passionate about helping people set intentions and find their inner light. Mastin believes in the power of understanding your level of consciousness, focusing on combining underlying trauma work and microbiome health for optimal healing, and embracing the power of your ability to choose. Today Mastin is helping shed some light on his three-part process of realizing you have a choice, surrendering your intentions and rejoining your tribe to serve others. By embracing our ability to love and support each other as a tribe, while gaining conscious awareness, we can hold ourselves accountable and fully give ourselves permission to be