It is well established in the literature that relationships of all types throughout our lifetime impact health and well being physically and psychologically. Research shows that most chronic diseases have lifestyle and environmental causes. Beginning in childhood and even prenatally, events and relationships the way in together which we interact with nature the world around us shape our state of health and happiness. Affection and aggression have profound implications on physical and emotional development, homeostasis and immune function. How we are loved, how we love each other and how we love and care for ourselves not only impact chronic disease but also resilience, depression and anxiety, sleep issues and performance. Self-care is the true health care!This journey of Love is Medicine will help you get back to who you really are, so that through accepting the love around you, though practicing the self-love of self-care and self-accountability, you will heal all areas of your life: Health, relationships, and business.
042: Saying Yes to a Relationship of Depth, True Connection, and Enduring LOVE w/ Dr. Stan Tatkin
02/06/2019 Duration: 50minDr. Stan Tatkin is an assistant clinical professor at the UCLA School of Medicine and has spent the past 20 years helping individuals and couples form meaningful long term relationships. Stan works to promote freshness in a relationship through honesty and helps create a space between a couple that is safe from the rest of intrusive thirds in the world. Today Stan is introducing us to his psychobiological approach to couple therapy (PACT), proposes how he views relationship personalities in a form of islands and waves and explains the elusive ‘Couple Bubble’ and how to take steps towards it. By learning about the human condition, working to understand our partner's mindset and becoming a good steward of the ecosystem of your relationships, your intimacy can shine. An expert in highlighting individuals and couples strengths, Stan believes that a secure functioning couple is comprised of adults that understand that people are perfectly imperfect, and who doesn't want that? Learn which rituals to implement into
041: Your Mind as Medicine w/ Dr. Igor Schwartzman
30/05/2019 Duration: 53minWe all have stories that are part of us, and Dr. Igor Schwartzman believes in listening to those stories and the voice within ourselves to change your perspective around health. A naturopathic physician with a background in research and academia, Dr. Schwartzman acts as a bridge between modern science and ancient spiritual teaching to empower others to look within themselves to find a true source of healing. Dr. Schwartzman believes that true healing does not come from a bottle or prescription, but instead from the vast healing capability inside your own mind. By changing your perspective and getting out of the negative health story you have been telling yourself and others, you may be able to find modalities of healing you never thought possible. A doctor who truly listens, Dr. Schwartzman sheds light on the mind-body connection, how your thoughts could be triggering unwanted emotional and physical responses, and shares ways to instruct your brain as a part of the body to shift your mindset and live a full l
040: Marry Yourself - The Power of Self Relationship w/ Dr. Erin Moore
26/05/2019 Duration: 44minDr. Erin Moore is a naturopathic doctor who believes in making herself obsolete through her drugless private practice and behavior change courses. Dr. Erin helps heal chronic diseases through a dialogue that identifies the subconscious belief systems you may be holding onto from the past that are causing your current physical symptoms. She believes in putting your relationship with yourself as the driver in charge of your transformation and works through modes of healing over medicine to help patients cure themselves. On this episode, Dr. Erin is providing you the information necessary to empower yourself to be the captain of your own health journey. Learn how Dr. Erin encourages others to find love and acceptance through self-marriage, how to break your cycle of shame with self-forgiveness, why you should be taking the responsibility of your own health seriously, and much more. If you believe in your own capacity to heal yourself, but need some guidance or words of encouragement, Dr. Erin is here to inspire
039: Reset your Metabolism w/ Dr. Alan Christianson
23/05/2019 Duration: 32minMany of us, including yours truly, were told from a young age that your metabolism is something that you are either cursed or blessed with, and there was no way to change it. Dr. Alan Christianson is here to explain why this couldn't be further from the truth and provide simple and effective ways to get healthier, heal your metabolism and even drop a few dress sizes while you are at it. Dr. Christianson believes in freeing your organs of their internal fat through the healing of your liver so that you can make changes that will stick for good. It is possible to reverse your diabetes and lower your risk of multiple diseases when you are able to optimize your energy to help your body hold onto muscle and lose fat. Learn the most precise predictive markers for overly fatty internal organs, which lifestyle factors may be impacting your metabolism, and discover Dr. Christiansons 28 day diet designed to reset your metabolism and give your body the tools to start burning fuel with a distinct purpose. Your metabolism
038: You Don't Have To Be Happy All The Time w/ Razi Berry
19/05/2019 Duration: 18minIn our popular culture, a life filled with positivity seen through rose-colored glasses seems to be the ideal standard. I argue that by not acknowledging the negative emotions of being human, we are actually doing harm to our mental and physical health. It is proven that those who resist exploring their negative emotions increase their risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, and many other chronic illnesses. Only by facing our feelings of injustice and expressing them in a healthy way can we truly let go of the toxicity and heal our minds and bodies. Today I explain how ignoring your negative emotions could be suppressing your digestive and reproductive systems, ways that smothering your negative emotions could be impacting your hormone levels and fight or flight response, and how to listen to what your negative emotions are trying to tell you in order to reconnect to your nervous system, plus much more. Instead of pretending your negative emotions don't exist, try taking the good feelings with the bad to fi
037: Mind-Body Perspective on Endometriosis w/ Dr. Laura Belus
16/05/2019 Duration: 35minI don’t know about you, but every day I feel the connection between the mind and body growing stronger. The mind-body continuum plays a huge role in women's health and how the body was designed to heal itself. Dr. Laura Belus knows this all too well as a naturopathic doctor specializing in health optimization, hormone balance, skin health, and anti-aging medicine. Today Dr. Laura is here to shed some light on ways that you can optimize your hormones and use your intuition to guide you towards the right treatment for you. Dr. Laura believes in the individual's ability to find common patterns and identify what is working for their body, and what is not, to find the right mode of healing for you. Learn how the immune system and thyroid can be connected to your hormone concentration, the connection between the way your body deals with environmental triggers and stress, and understanding the correlation between psychological issues and chronic pain. Hormone imbalance is steadily increasing in women both young and
036: The Truth About Birth Control w/ Dr. Jolene Brighten
12/05/2019 Duration: 43minMany of us know the hormonal birth control pill as a fix to common issues many women face such as irregular periods, acne, painful cramps, and more. But the potentially dangerous side effects of birth control, paired with our misunderstanding and lack of knowledge surrounding these prescriptions, have caused chaos in many women's bodies. Dr. Jolene Brighten acknowledged the need to do more research and has since started asking the tough questions to fight for women's autonomy over her own body. A functional naturopathic doctor, nutritional biochemist and author of Beyond the Pill, Dr. Jolene Brighten is here to drop some major knowledge on the ‘pill to fix every ill’ and why you should be trying to fix your hormones without birth control. Learn ways to recover your nutrient storage and gut health, which areas of the body hormonal birth control affects the most, and habits that you can develop to support your body through post birth control syndrome. Women are often dismissed or misdiagnosed when presenting sy
035: How To Battle Against Pelvic Pain w/ Dr. Jessica Drummond
09/05/2019 Duration: 46minDr. Jessica Drummond is the founder of the Integrative Women’s Health Institute and is passionate about empowering women who struggle with chronic pelvic pain conditions and hormonal imbalances. A women's health specialist and pelvic floor know it all, Dr. Jessica is here today to share how she was able to heal her own pelvic pain through nutritional and lifestyle medicine. Because our bodies are so interconnected, different physiological symptoms can often come together creating pain in the pelvic area. This can lead to endometriosis, painful sex or vulvodynia, muscle dysfunction, and more. Instead of placing a bandaid on your pain, Dr. Jessica provides exercises and nutritional resources that can help relax the muscles of your pelvic floor and reduce your symptoms. Learn what vitamins and minerals are an essential part of your diet if you want to repair your pelvic muscles, exercises that go far beyond Kegels to help relax and strengthen your pelvic floor, and ways to regain your fertility through lifestyle
034: Getting Your Life In Place For True Healing & Health w/ Elaine Glass
05/05/2019 Duration: 43minElaine Glass has sat with over 30,000 patients throughout her prior 30-year career as a dental hygienist, and her current work as a Certified Master Life Coach, advisor, and speaker. After making the connection between her innate sensibility to calm her dental patients into a slumber through energy fields, and the ending of her own unhappy marriage, Elaine realized she needed to take her gifts to the world and help others live a life of purpose too. Today Elaine works with her clients, including yours truly, to help fully realize their ability to love yourself and leap. Listen in as Elaine shares her wisdom on how to see your own greatness, ways to stop settling for a mediocre existence, and how to peel away the layers of busyness in your life to gain emotional and mental clarity. When we experience trauma or loss, our energy fields become fragmented, resulting in us feeling lost and alone. Elaine provides ways to get through these dark and stormy moments and tools to find peace and surrender to the uncertain
033: Loving Yourself To Mind-Body Health w/ Dr. Benjamin Alter
02/05/2019 Duration: 49minJust like when we bruise a knee or break a bone, your mind has the ability to heal itself in the same way your body does. So why as a society have we been conditioned to believe that healing is an external thing, something that does not exist inside of us? Dr. Benjamin Alter recognized this flawed logic and created Alter Health with his wife Susanna, to help their patients be reintroduced to the amazing healing powers of our own conscious. By honoring the bodies innate ability to heal itself and evolving your diet and lifestyle practices to tune into your body-mind awareness, Dr. Benjamin believes that you can reconnect to the eternal trust of your body and experience a greater sense of wholeness. When viewing your physical symptoms as blocks that come between you and your healing path, you can trust your body to move through these expressions with ease. On this episode, Dr. Benjamin shares his incredibly pure view of naturopathic medicine, how to cease your toxic and destructive behaviors through forgiveness
032: Self-Care For Special Needs Parents w/ Tara Hunkin
28/04/2019 Duration: 38minTara Hunkin is a nutritional therapy practitioner, certified GAPS practitioner, mother, and founder of My Child Will Thrive, a community of support for parents with children that have been diagnosed or suspected of a neurodevelopmental disorder. After struggling to find answers from doctors while trying to find her own daughter help, Tara realized that it was up to her to get the results that she needed. Passionate about helping parents who have been in her shoes, Tara created My Child Will Thrive to share her own journey of raising a special needs child, and bring awareness and support to the community. Tara believes that by implementing self-care strategies and paying attention to your own needs, you will, in turn, help yourself have a healthy and happy child. Today Tara dives into some common themes that parents of special needs children experience more profoundly than others, how to find balance and avoid conflict when deciding what is the right course of action for your child, and ways to bridge the expe
031: Healing From Betrayal w/ Dr. Debi Silber
25/04/2019 Duration: 43minAfter experiencing her own familial and marital betrayals, Dr. Debi Silber felt compelled to go back to school and complete her Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology. Throughout her research, Dr. Debi focused on how women experience betrayal and discovered three key components to how long it can take us to heal. A renowned holistic psychologist, health, mindset, and personal development expert, Dr. Debi is the expert on embracing and moving forward from a betrayal. Today Dr. Debi shares her insights into the 5 key stages of betrayal, the symptoms of Post-Betrayal Syndrome, and what you can do to move past an unhealed betrayal to live life with no restrictions. While betrayals can have many faces and varying degree of deceit, there is no doubt that leaving a past betrayal unresolved can have negative implications both physically and mentally. Dr. Debi argues that we need to balance this by taking care of our spiritual and emotional needs as equals, find ways to truly forgive yourself and find closure, and acceptin
030: Hormonal Dangers Of Too Much Exercise w/ Shawna Darou
21/04/2019 Duration: 34minYou may think you are taking care of your body by giving your all to the gym and constantly over-exercising your body. In reality, this can be detrimental to your health and could be causing symptoms that you didn’t even know could be related. Dr. Shawna Darou is a naturopathic doctor and women's health and hormone expert who has realized the impacts that Overtraining Syndrome is having on the fitness realm, and is dedicated to correct it one woman at a time. While exercise and moving your body is key to maintaining longevity, it is essential to find a routine that works for you and meets your body where it is currently at. By building breaks into your workout routine you can optimize your systems peak performance without experiencing physical or mental burnout. Dr. Shawna provides tips on how to build up your metabolism by actually exercising less, ways to recognize that you are pushing your nervous system and hormones too far, and how to build variety into your workouts to allow your muscles to recover Over
029: Mindset Shifts To End Food Obsession w/ Stephanie Dodier
18/04/2019 Duration: 38minFor a lot of women, our relationship with food has gone beyond nutrition and instead is used as a tool of restriction, avoidance, and shame. Stephanie Dodier experienced this vicious cycle in the way we relate to food and our body image and has set out to set the record straight on how we can use food to make peace with our bodies. A clinical nutritionist, speaker, and founder of Going Beyond the Food Academy, Stephanie is determined to help women find acceptance around food and body image. Going Beyond the Food will help you reconnect with your wisdom around food so that you can become self-regulated with food and no longer be dependant on a diet to tell you what to eat or how much to eat. Stephanie is passionate about helping people repair the connection between what your body needs and what you will let yourself have in order to drive health at any size. Working on mindset, goal setting, tools and techniques around emotional intelligence can help you become the master of your own body once again. When yo
028: The Science Of Energy & Greatness & How To Manifest It For Yourself w/ Lynne McTaggart
14/04/2019 Duration: 44minLynne McTaggart is an expert in the power of intention and uses the great magnetic energy field that we are surrounded by to help harness healing for others. An award-winning author, member of the Transformational Leadership Council and a central voice in the new consciousness movement, Lynne works with the healing powers of nature to understand the great mysteries of the Universe and help others come out the other side wiser. Today Lynne is laying out a road map to the science of greatness and how to manifest it for yourself. The Power of Eight and the Intention Experiments helped Lynne and her peers realize the immense power that thinking, intending and praying for someone else can have on your consciousness. By harnessing your power of intention and getting off yourself Lynne believes that you can improve the career, health, relationships, finances, peace or life purpose of someone else, and in turn, feel the benefits yourself. Instead of the self-indulgent self-help industry which focuses on introspection
027: Natural Beauty: Beautiful Skin, Hair, Nails & Eyelashes From The Inside Out w/ Dr. Stacey Shillington
11/04/2019 Duration: 38minAfter getting off hormonal birth control Dr. Stacey Shillington began to experience a load of acne, skin issues, and hair loss. Not knowing where to turn, Dr. Stacey eventually found naturopathic medicine and has been dedicated to helping other women cure their skin problems from the inside out. Specializing in PCOS, but dealing with a range of conditions such as acne, hyperpigmentation, age spots and more, Dr. Stacey is here to help you find your natural beauty. Dr. Stacey believes in the power of gut healing to cure your skin condition and balance your hormones. By looking at ways that your internal health reflects outwardly, you can get to the root cause of your issues and heal yourself holistically. Today Dr. Stacey provides a range of at home DIY skin tips, advice on what you should be eating to increase your fatty acids, and getting to the bottom of how your skin, nails, eyelashes and hair concerns could be a sign of something bigger going on internally. By working from the inside out Dr. Stacey can hel
026: Love, Medicine and Miracles w/ Dr. Bernie Siegel
09/04/2019 Duration: 01h06minDr. Bernie Siegel is the pioneer of ECaP, a form of individual and group therapy for cancer patients, utilizing patients drawings, dreams, images, and feelings, and a true believer of the healing power of positive thinking and love. Bernie argues that by helping patients view their mind and body as one entity, you can discover self-induced healing and trust your intuition to find the healing solutions that work for you. If you are struggling to live in between office visits and want to find a doctor that gives you permission to live life as your authentic self, Bernie is your answer. Today he shares how to decrease your chance of disease by fulfilling your own needs and wants ways to find meaning in the numbers that appear in your life, how to ask for help with humor and honesty, and much more. A doctor that encourages patients to tell their story and draw a picture to get in touch with their deeper spiritual emotions, Bernie finds meaning where others lack to look and helps his patients find the right path t
025: What's Happening To My Hormones? with Dr. Anna Cabeca
07/04/2019 Duration: 39minDr. Anna Cabeca is a trained gynecologist who was devastated when she learned her body had entered early menopause at age 38. Refusing to accept this as her fate, Dr. Anna made the leap into functional medicine, reversed her early-menopause, conceived and delivered a baby at age 41, and since has been dedicated to helping women of all ages be their best selves. Dr. Anna uses her humor, honesty, and compassion to help women navigate this confusing hormonal time with grace and ease. While menopause is natural for everyone, suffering is not. Dr. Anna provides you with tips on how to put oxytocin back in the driver seat and get the hormonal balance you need to heal your body, mind, spirit, and relationships in a way you never have before. Dr. Anna believes in the ability to re-establish healthy hormonal access by encouraging yourself to partake in things that drive your healing and use natural solutions found in her book, The Hormone Fix. By getting your body into a state of ketosis through intermittent fasting,
024: Love: Nature's Medicine w/ Dr. Michael Murray
04/04/2019 Duration: 42minDr. Micheal Murray literally wrote the Textbook of Natural Medicine and has a passion for discovering new ways to harness the healing power of nature to improve our health. Dr. Murray believes in the power of positive thinking, diet, lifestyle and natural supplements to help you overcome the challenges in your life and open yourself up to a greater amount of personal development and life experience. A leading researcher in natural compounds, author of over 40 books, and so much more, Dr. Murray is here to help empower you to be the guardian of your own mind, body, and thoughts. The belief that life happens to us is simply untrue, and Dr. Murray is passionate about helping others step into their own power, and embrace ‘awe’ and peace to get more of what you want out of life. Today Dr. Murray is explaining exactly how to harness natural products to improve your mood, how optimism actually helps your cells metabolize and detoxify, and ways to use bio-feedback to calm yourself down and infuse the cells in your bo
023: Heal Your Hunger: Overcoming Emotional Eating w/ Tricia Nelson
02/04/2019 Duration: 48minFood is an integral part of our society and something that everyone thinks about every day. For some, food can be a conscious or subconscious destructive distraction from your relationship with yourself. Tricia Nelson knows this first hand after losing 50 pounds by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating issues. An internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and emotional eating expert, Tricia has helped hundreds of people address and heal the root causes of their eating habits too. Tricia is here today to help you open up about the struggles you have with your body, understand the anatomy and psychology of an emotional eater, and learn how to use your shame to push yourself towards self-care. When you are able to understand where you are on the spectrum of eating obsessions and gain the tools to dismiss the conflict within yourself, you can begin to free yourself from the habits that are not serving you. While you may not like it at first, Tricia is here to encourage you to ask y